Accidentally Finded takes me to Honorable Mention in Google

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5 min readDec 15, 2021

Hello everyone hope all are safe and doing good. I am Vasanth from Madurai,Tamilnadu currently i am pursing Master Of Computer Application in Kongu Enginnering College,Erode. During free time i will do bug bounty and i have been acknowledged by Google,Apple,Microsoft,Github and 10+.

Google Finding is one of my favorite bug in bug bounty. Let us see how I founded and this is my first write up so if there is any mistake sorry about that

Let’s Begin

Every bug hunters dream is to get Hall of fame in google my first dream is also same so i was testing in google i have founded some bugs in google and i have reported they closed my report as Intended behavior at that time only I heard the word “Intended behavior” for the first time.

After some hours of testing i have founded bug in google which is related to improper cache control so to report bugs in google. Google has separate webpage for reporting the bugs -> here we can report bugs to google so i was reporting the improper cache control in the webpage

By default most of our Gmail account will be signed in our laptop at that time in my laptop also my Gmail account was signed in. When reporting bugs to google the first step it will ask our Name and Email address so normally i was filling all the details normally here in the Email address field i gave my another mail address

Eg :-> I have signed with my mail address [] during reporting to the google in the Email address i gave my another mail address []

After this we need to explain about the bug and its impact i have completed all the things and i submitted the bugs to the Google everything goes fine but wait as per Google Policy we will get Automatic mail to our mail address after we submit bugs to google like this

I was checking my mail in [] i didn't receive any mail from google ok after three hours i checked mail i didn't receive any mail from google I have refreshed so many times but nothing happened i was like

Because we will get automatic mail very quickly once we report bug to google After that i checked my another mail address which is already signed in my laptop [ ]

I got the Google Automatic response in this mail address i was like

I was happy because i got automatic response from Google.

But i was thinking as per the logic the response must go to the different mail address [ ] how this response coming to my mail address (which is already signed in) This is BUG OR WHAT…??

Finally i decided to report this to Google but i don’t have any idea how to report this i was thinking very hardly

After thinking i came to know this is some misconfiguration and not an bug finally i reported this to google using the Public café scenario [ Browsing center] In Impact i gave like this i think it will be very funny one :-)

Next day i got response from Google

After this I gave some mitigation steps to fix this issue got response from Google like this

After some days again i have founded one bug and again i visited-> for reporting bug at that time i saw that the issue has been fixed as per my suggestions in the sense now if you signed into your Gmail account and if you visit in the Email address by default our mail address will be there like this

Well now i asked for the update to them it was two weeks no response from google and finally i got response like

It was Jun 1,2021 at night i was outside with my friends just chilling and i checked my mail

I was very happy

Suddenly I ran to my house and created an profile in this is how I entered into Google Honorable Mention even though this issue has been not eligible for Hall of fame i am very happy hope soon i will enter into Google Hall of Fame

Link ->


My friend asked me what bug you have founded in Google and i explained he shocked i asked what happened..? i also noticed this one but i didn't think of reporting this to Google at that time my reaction like this

Main highlight thing is I have founded this in Reporting Page itself hahahha


“Always Think Different”

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