Sahithya Rajasekar
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2021


Bridge between Human and Bot

The Human culture revolves around the data everywhere. We dawn with texts and dusk with mails in this decade. Generally, the evolution of data is rapidly increasing every second. To manipulate the huge generation of data, as think of devil Data Science was born. Especially to scrutinize more efficiency for humans without the partial absence of humans, machines can do certain roles. As mentioned, the partial role will be feeding the data to the bot or machine by humans. That can be technically quoted as a Human-based system or Human-centered automation. In this article, we are going to done and dust the primality of Human-centered automation in Data Science. Without a delay, just surf into the context!

What is Human-centered Automation?

As the machine can only understand the source code, the human has to adopt the machine language to feed the data to train the bots. The objective of Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and Data Science to replace humans in some tedious and risky works to avoid manual errors, accidental injuries, and fatal rates. Like those technologies, the primality of Human-centered automation is a bridge between humans and bots. The limitations in early Artificial Intelligence are overcome with the help of Human-centered automation algorithms. Three vital phases in Human-centered automation, Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation. To inspire the bot based on the inputs and Conceptual listening and understanding the phase and Implementing the outcomes based on the trained dataset.

“The main tenet of design thinking is empathy for the people you’re trying to design for. Leadership is exactly the same thing — building empathy for the people that you’re entrusted to help.“

-David Kelley, Founder of IDEO


Human-centered automation is born to rectify the issues raised in the past due to a lack of certain skills in Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The ultimate goal of HCA is not to replace humans with bots, accessing the works along with Human support to reduce the possibilities of errors and accidental issues. HCA plays a significant role in all kinds of business purposes, let’s take a glance at the benefits.


As we already discussed, HCA is not the complete replacement of humans, the bots and machines will work under or along with the humans in workstations that can produce accurate results for the tasks and strategies based upon the requirement. According to the data fed to the bots and machines, they will learn and react. Those strategies of decision-making ability come from human possession.


The sole purpose of HCA is to partially replace humans with some technologies and gadgets. It has to be trained to think and act accordingly as humans. While implementing human-centered automation, cognitive thinking and emotional thinking of machines can be achieved by lots of training to the machines based on trials and errors. Even it’s a tedious process, the outcome is accurate and efficient.


To admire the users and make them addicted to certain platforms, the developers and designers have to implement behavioral principles to engage the users in those platforms. Based on these principles, the intention of certain users can be predicted and the behavior patterns can be identified to establish more success in those products and services.


Imperfections are perfectly fit everywhere. Likewise, Human-centered automation has certain loopholes which are rectifying to achieve more success in this specified domain.


As the designing and developing cost of Human-centered automation is a bit high while comparing with other generic technologies. Implementing the machines and bots will reflect as same as the developing and designing phase. Maintaining is also mandatory to establish the product or service. Based on the cost, the user will admire the product or service. As customer satisfaction is a high priority providing the quality of product and services is vital.


While developing the Human-centered automation product or service can be done. Designing certain data into respective and expected design patterns will be tedious. Translating those sets of data into the design is a huge process.


Developing the HCA-based product or service takes more time. Understanding the requirements, analyzing the requirements, planning and designing phase, testing the product or service, rebuild it if any errors occurred, and maintaining the products and services and final deployment is a hugely time-consuming process.


As Human-centered automation is one of the fundamental principles of Data science, several successful kinds of research are done in half of this decade.

1. AutoDS: Towards Human-Centered Automation of Data Science

Dakuo Wang and et al, 2021 conducted the research to establish the high quality and fewer errors products and services based on AutoDS and Machine Learning techniques. The results revealed that incorporating the AutoDS with humans is highly required and successful in the future.

REFERENCE: [2101.05273] AutoDS: Towards Human-Centered Automation of Data Science (


To establish successful products and services without errors and disturbances Human-centered automation is highly required for reducing the manpower and manual errors in several scenarios. In the future, many of the products and services will be innovated based on behavioral analytics. Candidates with good coding skills, problem-solving skills, statistical and analytical skills are welcomed by Data science.


The role of Human-centered automation plays a huge impact on data science to evaluate and implement bots and machines with human intentions for tedious computational processes. The benefits of HCA reflected in several businesses to promote customer insights, sales and induce productivity. There are many upcoming kinds of research that are ongoing to enhance the limitations in Human-centered automation. As the data is everywhere, the career scope in Human-centered automation is vast.

Hope this article would enhance your thoughts regarding Human-centered automation and its primality in Data Science.

