Introduction to Tableau

Sahithya Rajasekar


Perfect Visualization and Analytical tool

In the business world, there are a variety of problems and solutions according to the problem statements. To smash that vast amount of business problems, the origin of Business Intelligence is a goon. The rise of Business Intelligence is to figure out the hidden problems associated with a business instantly and provide the most accurate solutions immediately, extending the business growth gradually.

In the competitive field of BI, there are various tools available in the market to establish the best visualization concepts and statistical parameters. In particular, Tableau is a BI tool that is currently ruling the world of Data analytics and visualization.

As Tableau is the BI tool, the core objective of Tableau is to provide better decisions based on the corresponding data regarding the business information. Using Tableau, the analyst can efficiently drive the data according to requirements, such as easy dashboard access, data visualizations, and data mining.

Based on the Tableau Dashboard we make the analysis process easily,

Estimating the relationship between data.

Derive the exact information from the data.

Maintain the significance of metrics that have the foremost priority.

As per the market scenarios, Tableau and Power BI are at their peak, which is the goon for professional business analysts, providing all kinds of required analytics features.

The research conducted by Richard Wesley and et al. concluded from their research ‘An Analytic Data Engine for Visualization in Tableau’.

The findings of the research illustrated that Tableau is perfect for all sorts of data visualizations, even for tedious business problems. The demand for Tableau analysts in the future will be high. The TDE of Tableau satisfies both functional and non-functional requirements for analysis purposes.

Let’s see why they prefer Tableau!

Some of the features and characteristics which specifically admired by the analysts to maintain consistency in the selective features of Tableau. Hereafter, we are going to dig into the important characteristics of Tableau.

1. Dashboard of Tableau:

Tableau dashboard is acting as a warehouse of analytical and visualization options for the analysis. The dashboard will provide the data in the form of stories, another option there can view multiple views and objects. We can also easily copy and paste the dashboard elements from one workbook to another easily.

2. Sharing the data:

Tableau has another core feature where we can easily connect with other Tableau users and share our worked data/workbooks/visualization charts efficiently with securely. It also has the option that we can share the data by using certain resources like on-premise, on-hybrid, on-cloud instantly.

3. Memory:

Tableau has two memory options. One is the Live memory option and the other one is the In-memory option. The reason for the live memory is to access the live data sources from anywhere around the world. The need for an In-memory option is to extract the data from non-live and other non-tableau-based resources.

4. Data Sources:

Tableau has the feature which we have already seen in the memory feature above. That we can easily fetch the resources for analysis from anywhere around the world. It is highly secure and accessible. It will support various data connectors like Google Analytics, Presto, MemSQL, Cloudera, Google sheets, Hadoop, Amazon Athena, Salesforce, etc.

5. Smart Visualizations:

As the vital role of Tableau is to provide the best visual form of data, it possesses advanced visual charts. Such as,

Bar chart, Pie chart, Histogram, Gantt Chart, Bullet Chart, Treemap, Box plot.

These charts make the layperson understand the chart better than the information or huge worksheet.

6. Maps:

Apart from charts, Tableau possesses another set of representations called Maps which is tentatively used for plotting the geographical locations of spots that will be used for data. It possesses the various amount of attractive maps such as Heat maps, Flow maps, Chloropleth maps, Point distribution maps etc.

7. Security:

In the above features we just touch up the need for security, the security in Tableau is high enough to share the data with other people efficiently. Simply we can call it fool-proof security authentication. Tableau also allows you to connect to other security protocols like Active Directory, Kerberos, and others. It’s worth noting that Tableau employs row-level filtering, which aids in data security.

8. View in Mobile:

Nowadays all of us accessing mobile phones for all our purposes. Tableau is not out of the way actually. It is also in the battle. In sense, Tableau has the option to customize the dashboards in mobile phones also. But there are certain limitations in mobile while we comparing it with Desktop features.

9. Ask Data:

The option is here to clarify certain doubts regarding accessing the Tableau and loading, connecting data with data resources. It will simply provide data with visuals as the sample which is easy to get the knowledge.

10. Prediction and Forecasting:

Most of the Business Intelligence tools won’t support that much for Predictive and Forecasting analysis. Tableau provides good feasibility for Predictive and Forecasting by simply drag and drop the data with some technical features.


So far we have seen the important features of Tableau, in another article, we will deeply interrogate more facts about Tableau. For more information regarding recent technologies keep stay connect to Techiepedia. Here you can find solutions for all your technical needs from professionals and experts.

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