Sahithya Rajasekar
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2020

You can earn by Scraping

Nowadays tonnes and tonnes of data generating every day through websites, applications and browsers. But processing and cleansing of these data is not so easy as generating data. So handling these data is difficult. This article will let you know the scraping data in websites, scopes, benefits and also drawbacks. Everything in this world has two sides good and bad. The betterment here is most of each sides matters.

Web Scraping is also known as Web Data Extracting, Web Harvesting. Web Scraping is extracting data from websites. Every Web Scrapping Softwares are allowed to access the Worldwide Web directly with the help of HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). The scraping process done manually by Software user. In Automation, Bots and Web Crawler replaced the software user. Especially this automation helps to copy the contents of web details and plan it in a worksheet for future retrieval or analysis.

Whenever the user extracts or download data from the website, the user data’s metadata copied as details of fetched data and stored it in a worksheet as log. This log is used to know the traffic of every website.

This scrapping is also used in web mining, web indexing, data mining.

Some softwares there to scrap the contents and data on web:

Beautiful Soup, ParseHub, Octoparse, Connotate, Common Crawl, Content Grabber are existing and highly using softwares.

I suggest some worth certification programs on web scraping.

Udemy offers Modern Web Scraping with Python using Scrapy Splash Selenium. It also offers Scrapy (Powerful Web Scraping & Crawling with Python). Another offer for NodeJs of Web Scraping.

Datacamp provides Web scraping in Python. Coursera and Codecademy also offers Python Web Scraping.

If you once done this any one certification, you may get a clarity on scope for Web Scraping in Industry. Coding Knowledge needed as basics. Tools doesn’t need code knowledge.

Average salary for a Python based Web Scrapers ₹ 24,097 / month in India.


Here I leave some benefits about Web Scraping.

Web Scraping is Inexpensive: Among various data claiming resources Web Scraping is less expensive.

Easy to implement: Once you recognized as Web Scraper, it’s easy to extract and collect data from various sources.

Low maintenance and Speed: Maintenance is easy and long-term assurance for an update. Accessing speed is relatively high.

Accuracy: The fetched or abstracted data reports are accurate and verified.


As I mentioned above, if there is good, definitely there is a bad. Let’s see the challenges.

Analysing Data: It’s okay to analyse but enough and good knowledge on analytical skills mandatory to survive in this industry.

Data Analysis: To extract or analyse the data is a bit tough. The scraper has to analyse and find the hidden patterns if any raise in the datasets.

Protection policies: While fetching data there are possibilities of loss of data or any hidden malicious cyber attacks will wait. The scraper has to know and aware about basics of those web attacks.

We are living the world of vulnerable. We are in the place where we cannot curse the and making the victims as prey. So every human have to be aware about their own acquaintance.

We have already seen so for the opportunities for web scrappers. Now let’s see the top companies based on different services for Web Scrapers. The most famous DaaS service which is web scrapping service based companies for Web Scrapers are Scrapping Hub, Data Hen, Data Hero etc.,

Yes, I can able to see your mind that you are asking me about work from home feature is applicable for Web Scrapers. I will say yes, but the profit scale is not so good for this particular service. This service is termed as In-House Web Scrapping set up. Here you can work together as a team with few members. That’s the issue here. Communication between you and clients will occur virtually most of the times. So there are lots of loss of inferences. There is no particular company for this category. Because it’s comes under the freelancer. So you have to describe yourself and gain projects. All data service providing companies may hire web scrapers. As a startup, some small scale companies will hire Web Scrapers instead of Data Analyst.

Be Technical! Not only for earn, to Learn!

Hope this information is useful for you. Keep follow for more updates.

