Series of Network Fundamentals |#1 Getting started with Cyber Security

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3 min readAug 8, 2021

Hello everyone, today i’ m going to explain one of the most essential and foundation topic in Cyber Security that is “Network Fundamentals”.

After reading the series of blog you are going to understand the network fundamentals very deeply and which is going to help in your further Cyber Security carrier.

Let’s start,

Introduction to Networking

What is Networking

Networking is nothing but linkage between two or more devices using transmission media (wire or wireless) for exchanging the data or information.

Advantages of Networking

1) Availability
2) Reliability
3) Speed
4) Security
5) Centralized network management
6) Reduces man power

Types of Networks

There are 2 types of networks

1) Intra Network (Private)
2) Inter Network (Public)

Types of Transmission media

1) Wire Network
2) Wireless Network

Types of Network Components

1) Logical Components (Software)
2) Physical Components (Hardware)

Types of Network Media

1) Guided Network (configure/manageable)
2) Un-Guided Network (non-configurable/non-manageable)

Types of Geographical distance Networks

1) PAN — Personal area network
2) LAN — Local area network
3) CAN — Campus area network
4) MAN — Metropolitan area network
5) WAN — Wide area network.

What is CAN (Campus area network)

Network which connects the devices within the campus area.

What is MAN (Metropolitan area network)

Network which connects the devices within the cities.

What is WAN (Wide area network)

Network which connects the devices from country to country or city to city.

What is LAN (Local area network)

Network which interconnects the devices within the office locations is called LAN.

Properties of LAN

1) Easy to configure
2) Cost effective
3) Accessibility
4) LAN is faster than WAN
5) Future expandable network.

Types of LAN

1) Work-group (Peer to Peer)
2) Domain (Server)

What is Work-group (Peer to Peer)

Logically grouping of networked devices connected to each other directly without the server called work-group and all the computers account data base is localized.

What is Domain (Server)

Logically grouping of networked devices connecting to centralized Domain or Network is called Domain(server) and the account data base is centralized. and here the devices are called as clients or member of domain.

I hope you understood the first series of Introduction to Networking, if any doubt please let me know in the comment section.

The next series is OSI and TCP/IP model, which is the heart of networking, and this is the link for write up Click here.

