AI + Wearable technologies = Superhuman capabilities !!!

Vishnu ks
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2017
Image source : Internet

Hello everyone, today I would like to write about the transformation of technology from fiction to non-fiction. The technologies that we use today, which are at our finger tip was science fictions few years before. And now they are no more fictions. They all came out to be real.

So from the experiences we had till now we can blindly dream about a future where all this fictions comes true. And that future is very near.
In the field of technology, it’s barriers are expanding so wildly than before, like a chain reaction. I would like to call it as a technological explosion. And the outcome of this explosion is now reshaping the way people live and think.

AI helps people with disabilities

Image source: Internet

It’s quite amazing to see the development in medical field. Now there are robots which can help paralyzed patients to walk and do there daily activities. There are AI enabled devices which can describe the surroundings and guide a person who is blind. If a visually challenged person can even understand the emotions of people he is looking at, using an AI powered specs, then it’s really super cool 😎. You can look more into those technologies in the following links,


I hope you just went through all the links and I am sure now we both are on same side. So what I am trying to state is people have already start building this kind of devices. And this innovations are really helpful for mankind.

AI + Wearable technologies = Superhuman capabilities !!!

Image source: Internet

Till now we discussed how technology is helping people with disabilities. Now comes the interesting part. AI + Wearable technologies = Superhuman capabilities, It is also possible right? If we are wearing a watch which is AI powered and capable for predicting what will happen the next minute or second? Wow.. 😍 And if we have a specs which can do lip reading from kilometers far? And if the specs can tell me the direction to a destination or if it can identify a person from a crowd faster than human eyes, like in mission impossible movie? possibilities are endless.

I understood the topic is getting interesting and I will try to keep the same pace 😈. Now I would like to introduce some more possibilities.

Brain computer interfaces

Image source : Internet

At-least some of you may have wished to turn off the lights or fans when you are on bed. And you may don’t really wish to get up from the bed. I am just tying to frame an example. We all know those lights or fans are not going to obey our brain. Capability of our brain is limited. It can control our human body, that’s it. And coming to present what if there is an interface which can enable our brain to directly communicate with devices or computers? Yes, researches are under-way to develop interfaces which can interpret brain signals. One is Elon musk’s startup Neuralink. There are open source projects also about which you can start reading on OpenBCI. OpenBCI stands for open-source brain-computer interface (BCI). This type of interface can expand the capabilities of our brain. There will be a time in future where people talk each other using there brain waves. Oops!! I guess I am going beyond the limit now.. 😂. Below you can find more informations related to BCI projects..


That’s it all for today. Start crafting something to become a superhuman. Volunteer yourself to be part of the so called technological explosion. Hope you enjoyed.

— Thanks

