Enterprise Java Projects-EE4J, JakartaEE and Eclipse Foundation

Suren K
Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2018

Oracle donated Java Enterprise Edition(JEE) to Eclipse Foundation.

But what they did give away? How many projects? With these questions, i started my journey to make a list. It was not easy and after a lot of asking around (in the JakartaEE group) and research i was able to make a list of all projects (as of Dec 2018) managed by Eclipse Jakarta EE.

Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform

The Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform project produces the Jakarta EE platform specification, which is an umbrella specification that aggregates all other Jakarta EE specifications. All the below come under Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) top level project.

List of Projects Under Eclipse JakartaEE

Details about each project can be found at Eclipse Foundation website. Also created a GitHub repo for the above list.

Not donated so far by Oracle

Documentation for all the above projects.

If you enjoyed reading this, i’m always looking for curious people to write/talk about tech. Or, if you just want to talk, ping me up on twitter any time @surenkonathala



Suren K

Software Engineering Manager, Programmer, Architect, Inventor, Speaker and Writer. Works @Capgemini https://surenk.com