Micro-frontend Architechture. Part 2.

Igor Katsuba
Techlead’s Diary
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


We are continuing our adventure in the world of micro-frontends! Today, we'll discuss the tech stack we chose for our project. 🚀

Technology Choices 💡

After thorough analysis and discussions, we decided on Angular, Webpack, and Module Federation for micro-frontends and Nx for repository management. Here's why:

  1. Angular is a powerful framework offering ready-made solutions for many frontend development tasks. We use Angular to provide our application with a stable and tested foundation with rich functionality. I've detailed the main reasons for choosing Angular in the article "Why did we choose Angular?" 🔄
  2. Webpack. Sure, you might say Webpack is hopelessly outdated, and there are more modern tools supported by Angular, like esbuild. However, at this moment, this choice is motivated by the possibility of using Module Federation (see the next point). Of course, we are looking into Native Federation but do not plan to switch soon 🛠
  3. Module Federation is a Webpack feature that allows micro-frontends to load each other dynamically and efficiently in real-time. It's a critical element that makes our architecture flexible and scalable. We use Module Federation not just for lazy loading routes but also for loading individual components and modules🌟

