Source: Gray Zone Warfare PressKit

Gray Zone Warfare: New Venture From Brno But Not For Me

Find out why here

Jakub Jirak
Published in
11 min readMay 10, 2024


Welcome to a world where every moment of play is a fight for survival, and every step can be the last. “Gray Zone Warfare” is not just another game; it’s a journey into the dark heart of an inhospitable jungle where mercenaries, plots and the realities of tactical combat collide. This new venture from Brno beckons an extraordinary mix of simulation and action that tempts players to a real challenge.

Join me on this adventure and find out why, although I was initially excited, I eventually returned to the game. And while I’ve given up on being a fan, the story behind this game is worth sharing. Become part of a brave group of warriors in “Gray Zone Warfare” and discover why this game changes the rules and isn’t for everyone. As it happens, men are playful creatures even when they leave childhood or adolescence.

Source: Gray Zone Warfare PressKit

As work or professional growth increases, the time for playing decreases, yet even in these moments, I like to find a few hours for pure procrastination with a game, and I don’t care whether it’s a PC game or a console. Due to the very limited time I have for gaming, I unfortunately can’t play…



Jakub Jirak

Principal Software Engineer & Content creator | Writing about Technology, Apple, and Innovations. | Proud editor of Mac O'Clock.