MacOS from a Life-long Windows User's Perspective

How does it feel to start using MacOS after over 20 years of experience with Windows?

Jakub Jančík


When you work in sales, a majority of your success comes from your appearance. That includes the devices you use.

Whether we like it or not, Macbooks just look better than most other laptops. Plus, people still perceive Apple as a premium brand.

Success breeds success.

It is not just saying. If you look successful, people perceive you as one and treat you that way. This increases your chances since they expect you to get the result you want.

Sure, if you manage to break that image, tough luck. Nothing will save you since they will remember you as a fraud.

Photo by Michail Sapiton on Unsplash

This is the main reason why I chose Apple over another brand. It might be superficial, but it is what it is.

A disclaimer: I do not hold any grudge or had any bad expectations when it comes to Macbooks once they introduced their M1 chips to the market. From the research I made, they were at the top of the price/performance ratio.

What does the work with applications feel like?



Jakub Jančík

Father, husband, and lifelong learner sharing bits and pieces he gathered throughout his life.