Six Things in Which Macs Dominate Windows PC

Last two are my favourites

Jakub Jirak
4 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

In this article, we’ll look at the main benefits of Apple’s Silicon-based computers. Let’s look at six of my favourite benefits of these calculators.

Copy and paste across devices

Apple’s ecosystem is extremely powerful and full of great features that may seem like little things but have a big impact on more than just efficiency. Once you get used to it, one of these gadgets you never want to let go of is the ability to copy and paste across all your Apple devices.

This means that if you copy something on your Mac, for example, you’ll be able to paste that content on your iPhone — and vice versa, of course, and across other devices as well.

iPhone as a webcam

Every Mac offers a high-quality webcam that hides at the top of the display. Currently, these webcams have 1080p resolution and the quality is really great. But iPhone cameras are going to get a lot better. So Apple has recently come up with a cool gadget in the form of Camera in Continuity.

Which offers the option for using your iPhone as a webcam to your Mac. The whole setup process is extremely simple — just keep your iPhone within range, and then set it up as a webcam straight away. Everything works wirelessly (but also wired), so it’s really very easy to use.

Data transfer via AirDrop

While using Windows a few years ago, I always had a big problem transferring data across my devices. In order to get different files to different devices, I had to use either external or flash drives, or possibly Google Drive.

But nothing compares to AirDrop, which I personally consider one of the main advantages of Apple’s operating systems. It uses both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to transfer data, so it’s reliable and, most importantly, fast. You can easily send several gigabytes of data at once through it.

Launch apps from iPhone and iPad

Most of the latest Macs are sold with pure Apple Silicon chips, except for the Mac mini and Mac Pro. These chips, which go by the name M-series, have many advantages — most importantly, they offer high performance and perfect efficiency. Unlike Intel or AMD processors, Apple Silicon chips are built on the ARM architecture instead of x86.

The A-series chips in iPhones and iPads are also built on the same architecture. This means that most Apple products now run on ARM architecture. This also makes it possible to download and use apps that are available for the iPhone and iPad on our Macs, which can come in handy in some cases.

Maximum performance every time

It is common for Windows laptops to have more power available on mains than when used on battery power. This reduction in performance during battery use is to ensure that the computer stays charged for longer and avoids excessive heating — something many users have no idea about.

But if you get a MacBook, you don’t have to worry about any performance degradation. Apple computers deliver full performance on both mains and battery power. This is thanks to Apple’s Silicon chips, which are not only extremely powerful but also efficient and don’t heat up as much as competitors’ processors.

Enormous battery life

With the advantage of low power consumption, Apple’s Apple Silicon-based laptops have the advantage of long battery life on a single charge. However, there is also a disadvantage from my point of view, so does it even make sense to have MagSafe on Apple computers, for which we certainly pay a lot of money compared to the classic charging via USB-C?

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Jakub Jirak

Content creator | Cat dad | Writing about Technology, Apple, and Innovations. | Proud editor of Mac O'Clock. | Support me at