The Future of AI-Generated Art: A New Frontier for Artists and Their Profit

AI-generated art is a growing trend, but how does it affect artists? This article discusses the future potential for artists to monetize their work through AI and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in art.

Ondrej Svoboda


This is a sequel to my previous article about artists and the misuse of their art for training AI models. If you’ve not read it yet, check the link below.

The new world to be

As mentioned in my previous article, artists can now opt out of their art being trained on. At least on Artstation. I believe that in the near future, artists will also be able to actively opt-in for their art to be trained on and benefit from that. The most interesting and original pieces will be selected for the AI training and artists will get some portion of the revenue from all generations where their art was used.

Ai painting an image. AI-generated by the author via Midjourney.



Ondrej Svoboda

Smart home enthusiast, Team leader in IT, Technophile, Proud parent, Improv practitioner, Latent filmmaker and magician, Multipotentialite