Unveiling My Digital Toolbox

Udayanga Jayalal
Published in
12 min readMay 19, 2024

Tools I Utilized During My Undergraduate Studies

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This is the third post where I am unveiling my journey with Linux as an undergraduate. In previous posts, I have written about how I started using Linux OS and FOSS software, and what benefits you will get by using Linux as a college student or an undergraduate. Here, today I am going to unveil my digital toolbox. So, anyone who wishes to jump into the Linux world right away can refer to the tool list.

There are tons of tools that I have tried and used during my time as an undergraduate. So, I will be listing my favorite set of tools here by categorizing them below.

  • Operating System
  • Word processing, presentation, Report Writing
  • Research papers, thesis, and lab report writing
  • Note-taking, to-do, and project management
  • Programming, coding, package management
  • Back-up, file syncing, and file hosting
  • Other tools that I cannot live without

1. Operating system

Yes, I know, it is your first question.

What Operating System did you use?

As I mentioned in my first post, I started my Linux journey with Ubuntu and Linux Mint. And then I started serious distro-hopping. Therefore, I have used almost all the most famous distros and some uncommon ones as well.

If you are not aware of what a Linux Distro means, I will explain that here briefly just to make the foundation. Linux distro is short-term for Linux Distributions. This is where most of the people, that I have met, get confused. No, Linux is not an operating system. Some of them thought Linux meant another name for Ubuntu. No secret that Ubuntu is the most famous Linux distribution. And, some, people who never heard about the Linux OS family, thought Linux meant only Fedora OS. Fedora was the first Linux OS that was introduced in our 1st year at university. Linux is an operating system kernel. The kernel is the core layer of any operating system. Windows NT is the kernel of Microsoft Windows. And XNU (XNU is Not Unix) is the kernel of MacOS. Linux is the kernel of any of the Linux OS. An operating system is made by packaging multiple tools, programs, and software together with the kernel. These tools, programs, and software vary with the developer and the distributor of the Operating System. So, those sets of tools, programs, and software packaged and distributed by different distributors are called Linux Distros.

A large number of Linux operating systems have been developed and distributed around the world. The most famous one is Ubuntu. Which is developed and distributed by Canonical. RedHat Enterprise Linux is another famous distribution in the enterprise world which was developed and distributed by Red Hat, Inc.

I have used a few Linux Operating systems as an undergraduate. Here are those operating systems.


Kubuntu is an operating system distributed by KDE Community. Kubuntu is an Ubuntu-based Linux Distribution. This means they are the same from their core but different sets of tools, programs, and software are packaged. Kubuntu was my daily driver for my two senior years at university. And still using the same.


ArcoLinux is an Arch Linux-based operating system. Even though the fundamental Linux commands are the same, they work in totally different ways to Kubuntu or any other Ubuntu-based operating system. I used this for little more than one year at my university. I believe ArcoLinux is a great tool for anyone who likes to dive into the depths of the Linux world since it has great documentation.


Fedora is an operating system developed by Red Hat, Inc. Behavior is a little similar to Ubuntu but not the same. Fedora is upstream of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Which means you will be able to see the tools, updates, and behaviours in future RHEL OSes that Fedora has now. I used this for a shorter time as it worked a little slower and had some software compatibility issues at the time.

2. Word processing, presentation, report writing

This is where most newcomers get frustrated and decide to abandon the world of Linux. It does not need to be this way. There are several alternatives to Microsoft Office available. And some are way better than an office suite that always freezing, crashing, and frequently runs into syncing issues. Here are the tools that I used as an undergraduate.


A complete replacement for Microsoft Office without a doubt. It does have every option an undergraduate that will ever need. OnlyOffice is a completely free and open-source office suite that comes with a Document processor, Presentation Creator, and a Spreadsheet tool as well. It does include all the other in-tool features as well, such as bulletins, numbering, custom heading and chapter numbering, sectioning, and referencing. If you are savvy enough, you will be able to run a document server of your own. The only con I am seeing is collaboration gets a bit expensive if you are not running your document server.

Google Doc

I used this for collaborative document editing. It does not have all the features that you will get in OnlyOffice. However, most of the fundamental requirements can be fulfilled with the Google Workspace suite.

Microsoft Office

Yes, it is. I have used Microsoft Office several times when none of my project group members have agreed to use any of the above tools. Even though Microsoft Office is not supported on Linux OSes, you can get an almost native-like experience if you have enough resources on your computer. There are various ways to accomplish this. I will talk about them in a future post.

3. Research papers, thesis, and lab report writing

Multiple tools can be used to achieve this specific requirement. Most of the students are using Microsoft Office for every kind of word processing. In that case, surely you can use OnlyOffice for this as well. But there are way better tools available to accomplish this particular requirement. I used the below tools.


You should be familiar with LaTex if you’re a graduate or undergraduate student working on or planning to start a research project. If you haven’t heard about it yet, there’s a problem. Imagine writing a document where you tell the computer exactly how you want things formatted, like fonts and spacing, instead of clicking buttons. That’s LaTeX! It’s like coding for your documents, but instead of fancy apps, it creates professional-looking papers, perfect for scientific reports or homework that needs to be super neat. TeXstudio is a software tool that supports LaTex. There are many other LaTex document processors available and TeXstudio is my go-to tool for all kinds of document preparation. Research papers, assignments, lab reports, and all.


The most well-known LaTex editor in the world is OverLeaf. You can use any device or location to access this online LaTex platform. They offer a free version to users, which is more than sufficient for the majority of users. Paying is only required if you need a more upgraded workspace. As I am aware, universities typically have subscribed for overleaf on behalf of their students. So that students can prepare professional research papers and documents entirely free of charge.

I should be thankful to my fellow research group members for agreeing to use this platform to compile all the documents for our final year research project. Learning how it works and getting started with document writing is simple. It could take you an hour or two to understand the fundamentals and figure out precisely what’s going on. Once you notice how convenient this platform is, you will become addicted to it.

One of my publication writings on Overleaf


Research papers can be daunting, especially when it comes to managing citations. The turning point for me came in the form of Zotero, a sophisticated software application. Imagine a digital filing cabinet made exclusively for academic resources. With Zotero, I could easily collect articles, websites, and even ebooks, all beautifully organized and easily accessible. But Zotero’s brilliance extends beyond the organization. It connects seamlessly with my writing tools (OnlyOffice, TeXstudio, and Overleaf), allowing me to quickly input citations and generate bibliographies. No more frantic hunts for reference information or last-minute formatting issues. Zotero guaranteed that my citations were not only correct but also followed any required style guide (IEEE format in my case). This newfound efficiency freed up valuable time for what truly mattered: delving into the research itself and crafting a compelling argument. Zotero is a game changer for any student who has to deal with various sources and citation anxiety.

My Library on Zotero

Language Tool and Grammarly

For polished writing and a confidence boost, grammar and language tools like Grammarly became my go-to allies. These AI-powered assistants helped me slay typos, refine sentence structure, and ensure my writing sparkled with clarity. Grammarly is available online for most platforms including OverLeaf. On the other hand, we have the Language Tool to support Linux native applications. I used Grammarly online for most of my writing.

4. Note-taking, To-Do, and project management


Note-taking is a crucial aspect especially when it comes to college students. You will be taking tons of notes for tons of subjects, for multiple certifications, from learning new technologies, from reading books, and so on. These notes should be organized and easily accessible. Obsidian was my best friend from the beginning of my journey. With Obsidian, nothing is impossible. You can use it for any type of note-taking, to manage your To-Do list or for your project management. However, I am a one-tool-for-one-thing person. So, I used Obsidian only to take down notes. Nothing more nothing less. It is free to use and your notes are future-proof since it uses Markdown Text to take down every note.

A snap of my Obsidian System


There is nothing fancy about this platform. I am using To-Doist to manage my to-do list and as a habit tracker. To-Doist is a feature-rich tool and cross-platform tool.

Source: https://todoist.com/

Project Management

I could not stick to one project management tool as the requirements from project to project, team to team, and course module to module were different. I have used a few project management tools and all of them and available online. And, even though you are able to find plenty of Open-Source tools in this category, it is a bit difficult to find something free to use. You may look around and find something that is suited for you. A few suggestions from me are listed below.

5. Programming, coding, package management

Here comes the most interesting section of the letter. A significant number of professional developers leverage Linux operating systems in their daily workflows according to the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2023.

Unless you have specific development needs, such as a focus on .NET and C++ development within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment, transitioning to Linux shouldn’t be a major concern.

So, here are my favourite tools when it comes to coding.


NeoVim has been developed based on the Vim editor. However, NeoVim has substantially improved Vim’s capabilities. Furthermore, with a few adjustments, you can transform this great text editor into a highly integrated development environment. It can literally integrate the GitHub Copilot and a variety of other AI tools to improve your development experience. I am using NeoVim with LazyVim and Codeium AI code Assistant.

NeoVim with LazyVim configuration
NeoVim with LazyVim configuration


VSCodium is Microsoft Visual Studio Code without Microsoft. If anyone wonders why the same product with different name? Here is what you are missing. Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is not licensed under FLOSS (Free-Libre/ Open Source Software) as you thought. It is a license under Microsoft Software License, which means it is proprietary. It also has an extensive amount of Microsoft telemetries. However, their source code is licensed under MIT software license.

Repository of VSCode with MIT License (source: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode)
License for the Microsoft Visual Studio Code (Source: https://code.visualstudio.com/license)

VSCodium is for the people who adore software and tools that are “Free as speech, and Free as coffee”.

Source: https://vscodium.com

Package Management and Other Tools

Almost every package manager is available for Linux Systems. Hence, you will not be left out. During my time as an undergraduate, I have used several package managers alongside the APT, DNF, RPM, npm, and PIP.

You will also find almost every IDEs in Linux world readily available for you to use. However, you will not find Microsoft Visual Studio and Apple Xcode that are heavily integrated into their respective Operating Systems.

6. Back-up, file syncing, and file hosting

Every student, regardless of their operating system, should prioritize creating a secure backup and file syncing routine. Imagine losing a semesters worth of research, assignments, and notes due to a technical mishap. Backups safeguard your work, ensuring a copy exists even if your device fails. File syncing empowers you to access your work from any device, fostering collaboration and on-the-go productivity. By implementing these practices, students gain peace of mind, allowing them to focus on learning and achieving academic goals, all while minimizing the risk of data loss disasters.

Mega Cloud Storage

Mega Cloud Storage is my favorite cloud backup and syncing service. Mega is Client-Encrypted and Secure cloud storage service based in New Zealand. Mega Cloud Storage has seamlessly integrated into every platform including Windows, MacOs, Linux, iOS, and Android. I can access my files thanks to their very convenient file syncing capabilities. Also, I am doing periodic data backup to Mega Cloud Storage to keep a secure copy of my important files, documents, and snapshots of my software configurations.

Mega Sync on Kubuntu


Duplicati is my preferred tool for system backups. I use Duplicate to back up my running system on a regular basis. Because you never know what may go wrong in the next instant. So be prepared. They have a large number of integrations ready to serve you.

Source: https://duplicati.com/Integrations#integrations

7. Other tools that I cannot live without

My digital toolkit extends beyond these essentials, Here are a few other applications that have become indispensable for my workflow

  • My terminal application and Shell: Kitty and ZSH
  • My light weight text editor: Kate
  • My network monitor: Safin’s Portmaster
  • Meeting and Collaboration: Google Meet, Jitsi
  • My web browsers: Firefox, Brave
  • Password wallet: Bitwarden
  • Email client: Mailspring
  • Remote code repository: GitLab
  • GUI for git: Gittyup
  • Remote Desktop Client: Remmina, FreeRDP
  • Music: Cider with Apple Music
  • Image manipulation: GIMP
  • Download Manager: Xtreme Download Manager
  • Screen Recorder: OBS
  • Video Editor: Kdenlive
  • Video Player: Haruna Media Player, KODI
  • GUI Package Manager: Synaptic
  • System Cleaner: Stacer
  • Virtualization: VMWare Workstation, VirtManger with KVM
  • eBooks: Calibre and Foliate
  • Zip and Archive: PeaZip


My undergraduate experience wouldn’t have been the same without the incredible software tools I discovered. From streamlining research with TeXstudion and Zotero to scripting with Neovim , these applications became an extension of my academic self. As you embark on your own educational journey, remember that venturing beyond textbooks opens a world of possibilities. Don’t be afraid to explore different tools, tailor your digital toolbox to your specific needs, and watch your productivity and learning soar. After all, the right software can be the secret weapon that transforms you from a student to a tech-savvy, future-ready graduate!



Udayanga Jayalal
Editor for

Sri Lankan CS grad passionate about Open Source & Linux! Sharing my journey & tips for tech-savvy personals. #Linux #OpenSource #Education (159 characters)