Top 5 Reasons Why You Will Absolutely Love Computer Science

Estefania Cassingena Navone
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2018

Computer science is one of the most amazing fields we could possibly imagine. This article will show you my Top 5 Reasons why you will love it!

Let’s Begin! 😄

I’ve completely enjoyed every single moment of constant learning and discovery every since I embarked on this journey to learn programming and computer science online.

I love this field and I would like to share with you my top 5 reasons why you will completely love it as well:

1. 🌇 Powerful Enough to Transform Societies

This field is so powerful that allows individuals to potentially change how societies work. You could do this by simply learning and applying your knowledge on your computer.

Think about it… You could build the next Android app that will amaze people and connect families or even help individuals across the world discover their life passion. You could build the next software to accurately detect cancer or diseases by recognizing patterns in images. You could develop software for NGOs that bring assistance to those who need it the most.

The field is so broad and it involves so many concepts, disciplines and sciences that it is powerful enough to transform every aspect of our lives and you could be part of this transformation.

2. 🌎 Ubiquitous

We interact with technology on a daily basis, from developing countries to developed countries, technology is present at some degree in every aspect of our societies and tech-related skills such as computer science knowledge will always be required as our societies evolve into a future that will drive us forward to the path of automation and optimization thanks to technology.

Think about medicine, engineering, education, economics, science, bioinformatics, these fields are absolutely shaped by technology that involves computer science. You could shape those fields by building the next great product that we could all need in the future! 👍

3. ✨ Empowering

I find this to be one of the most amazing qualities of computer science, its ability to empower those who learn it to create a working product from an abstract idea.

You don’t need complicated logistics to start working on a project, by simply coding on your computer you can create a final product that people can actually use. Amazing, right?

4. 📚 Constant Learning and Evolution

This field is constantly evolving and new learning resources are created every day while existing resources are being updated.

New technologies are launched very often and by diving into this field you will never be bored (I promise!). There will always be something new to learn, something new to implement, a new way to achieve something, a new technology to do things you never even thought possible.

I love how people in this field always break boundaries and expand their horizons like there were no barriers or limits to what can be achieve by using computation.

5. 🎨 Creative and Engaging

When we start learning computer science we realize that it is a very creative field with many opportunities to encourage collaboration.

Designing and developing software involves making hundreds of decisions regarding functionality, code structure, libraries, and many other important details that really make you realize that you and your team (in case you are working with others) are in complete control of the final product and that based on your knowledge and experience you can really build a product in many different ways.

Last But Not Least… 👍

Learning computer science is much more than learning how to code (which is awesome by itself! 😃), it’s diving into a world of endless discovery and growth.

I really hope you liked this article and that it will help you discover why this field might be for you. ❤️

I knew nothing about programming four years ago and now I can’t imagine my life without it. This can happen to you too, start by taking a few online courses and watch a few video lectures, this can completely lit the spark you need to find your passion.

Knowledge is right there for you through amazing online resources that will prepare you for a future in this field.

✉️ P.S. I would like to personally invite you to be part of the Techmacademy community, follow the publication to find articles specially written for awesome learners like you who are learning how to code.

👏 If you found this article helpful, your claps are very much appreciated to help others embarking on this journey.

I would really love to read your comments and thoughts. 😃 Follow Techmacademy on Twitter @techmacademy

Learn to Code, Love CS.



Estefania Cassingena Navone

Udemy Instructor | Developer | MITx 6.00.1x Community TA | Writer @Medium | CS & Mathematics Student | WTM Udacity Scholar