4 Best AWS DevOps Tools for Cloud Build and Deployment

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6 min readJul 12, 2021

If you are engaged in software development, or you are going to build an app for your business, you need to keep track of the latest trends in this niche. And in this post, we’ll get down to AWS DevOps tools as mandatory software development components. We’ll explain what DevOps is and review the fundamental benefits of these development tools.

Amazon defines DevOps as the combination of practices and cultural philosophies that aim to improve the ability of an organisation to build apps quicker. Simply put, DevOps shortens the system’s development life cycle and provides continuous delivery with high software quality.

The main goal of DevOps is to bring together the operations and coding groups for a more accurate and responsive software development experience.

4 Top AWS DevOps Tools

AWS DevOps tools pursue one goal: building and launching software in the cloud quicker. Of course, this list is surely longer, but in this post, we’ll get down to the best AWS DevOps tools for cloud build.

#1 Code Pipeline

Besides being a fully managed delivery service, this tool also helps speed up and automate release pipelines for fast app updates. It’s also one of the best Amazon AWS DevOps tools that allows you to have a visual view of the final delivery process.

#2 Code Commit

Code Commit is a highly scalable and secure tool. When using this solution, there’s no need to control your own source control system and spend time scaling its infrastructure. This tool is also used for storing various things ranging from code to binaries.

#3 Code Build

It’s a well-known integration service that scales and processes numerous builds. The main goal of this continuous integration service is to compile run tests and source code. As a result, it creates software packages ready to deploy. When using this tool, programmers can save their precious time as there’s no need to manage and scale their own build servers.

#4 Code Deploy

The overriding purpose of this tool is to automate software deployment to such computer services as AWS Fargate, Amazon EC2, or AWS Lambda. So far, it’s one of the most powerful and fully managed deployment services that pursues one goal — to speed up software development, reducing the number of manual operations.

Advantages of Using AWS DevOps Tools for Cloud Build and Deployment

So far, DevOps has become an essential strategy for all-sized companies looking for the best methods to optimize performance. Moreover, cloud build using AWS DevOps tools has quickly garnered the attention of the IT industry as it’s one of the latest trends in this niche and the fastest method to build software (as compared to traditional ones). Let’s take a closer look at the key benefits of using DevOps AWS tools.


Best AWS DevOps tools are built with scalability in mind, allowing DevOps teams to support one instance and quickly expand to other instances. A cloud project can scale horizontally or vertically and lets the development teams provide users with a responsive experience on their-cloud powered app. For example, AWS Codebuild is a highly scalable tool that speeds up the development process.


Thanks to an opportunity to automate some processes, a DevOps team can deploy their projects faster. And this is where AWS CodePipeline comes in handy. This service makes it easier for development teams to automate testing workflows, deployment, and manual tasks. Besides, the DevOps teams have more tailored workflows, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.

Better Collaboration

It’s one of the best aspects of this strategy and one of the main reasons why programmers choose it. Thanks to AWS IAM, the development team can set individual permissions for every project stakeholder.

DevOps teams can also use CodeBuild to improve collaboration, compile the source codes and build software ready for deployment.

Improvement in product quality

It goes without saying that when one team pursues one goal, the project will be delivered on time and successfully. Moreover, the collaboration between operation and development teams in combination with gathering user feedback leads to building a more quality software product.

Ensure faster deployment

Cloud deployment using AWS DevOps tools guarantees faster delivery of updates and new options. And this benefit will not only improve the quality of a final product, but also allows a company to achieve success in a competitive market.

Stabilize work environment

We all know that the tension involved in fixing bugs or releasing new features can significantly decrease the productivity of the development team. But when the teams use AWS DevOps tools, they can improve their work environment with a steady operation approach with DevOps tools. Their main goal is to speed up the development process and make it more effective.

Continuous delivery of software

When following the DevOps methodology, all the team members will be engaged in the working process and responsible for maintaining stability. And this guarantees that the speed of software delivery can’t be influenced by other aspects, and the project will be delivered quickly.

TechMagic’s Expertise: How We Use AWS DevOps Tools to Build and Deploy in the Cloud

At TechMagic, we understand the importance of using the latest trends in software development. New evolving technology encourages better and faster app development and release. We practice the use of DevOps due to better communication, collaboration, and visibility between the dev and the operation teams it provides.

Moreover, we have decent experience in this area and have already used AWS DevOps tools in our projects.


Acorn-I, a powerful platform that improves return from e-commerce investments, is one of our successful projects, built with AWS DevOps tools. The main goal of this platform is to provide users with access to Amazon search analytics, performance tracking options, promotions, and advertising. The main challenge was to build a new, more robust solution that would allow customers to use the whole system without the help of the Acorn-I team. However, we tackled that challenge successfully and managed to build a powerful and user-friendly platform.

We developed Serverless API for the app and built refactored data pipeline automation through the AWS Cloud Development Kit. Thanks to this approach, we created a more testable and easier-to-use platform, which allowed us to improve the performance 15 times.

Elements Cloud

Elements Cloud, a business process visualization app, is another successful project of the TechMagic team. The main challenge of this project was to build a secure and tolerant SaaS product for Fortune 5000 companies. It was challenging to implement a process mapping and visualization web tool with back-end architecture on AWS.

However, we implemented a concept of customizable diagrams, used Redis software to lock some parts of data, and built security groups for different app layers. AWS Lambda was utilized to make a shift from EC2 to partial software architecture. We also used top AWS DevOps tools for cloud deployment (CodePipeline and CodeBuild) to complete our task. CodePipeline gave us a visual of the final delivery process. CodeBuild helped us compile run tests and source code. Thanks to all these steps, we created a more powerful and cost-efficient platform with a lower need for infrastructure support.


Overall, DevOps teams can surely take their productivity to the next level by using the best AWS deployment tools. At TechMagic, we always put the interest of our customers over and deliver the software products that meet their business needs. To achieve that goal, we use top AWS deployment tools and a set of practices for agile software design. Don’t hesitate to contact us and discuss your project challenges with our AWS team.




TechMagic is a software product development company focused on Security, HealthTech, AI, Web development - https://www.techmagic.co/