QR Codes and Benefits to society

Simon Musopole
4 min readJul 10, 2022


Source (Kaspersky — QR Codes and their safety)


QR codes stand for “Quick Response”. This is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a digital device and which stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid.

That appealing image of binary contains a lot of data which also allows easy access to a lot of information instantly as its name.

As far as technology goes, many advancements are noted with time. New changes are volatile and here within the spectrum of technologies things happen instantly. Looking into the attitude of QR codes, I found this method or ideology to be a fast tool if you’re keen on instant attributes done.

Here are ways in which QR codes are beneficial to society:

  1. Directs customers to a landing page of a website.

This is far and away the best way to connect customers to a particular business. Scanning a QR code on your smartphone leads you directly to the business information or any media related to the QR code. Having a single site makes it easier to match with the QR code.

2. Dial To Contact

Easy access to contact information is very important. QR code provides the user with contact details easily by just scanning. No mistakes.

3. Download Apps
Searching for the right application to download can be tiresome at times. But that is solved with QR codes. It takes you directly to the download link. Once you’ve scanned the QR code, it directs you to the download page of the app and begins the download. Businesses have used QR codes for marketing by creating eye-catching QR code designs. Popular apps like Angry Birds have used QR codes for their marketing campaign.
Furthermore, app developers are using QR codes to foster engagement within the app community. Social media apps like Snapchat have created unique QR codes for users to feature people easily.

On the other hand, Spotify has recently released QR codes for songs. Users can now share or recommend their music by simply scanning the QR code.

4. Send a Message
QR codes offers also another exciting way of sending messages securely. When the message is sent, the user will only receive the message once the QR code has been scanned. Sending messages through QR codes benefits SMS marketing. It is used for sales, user support, on-request product upgrades, and opt-in SMS registration.

5. View Business Location
Places of business can now be located easily by scanning QR codes instead of manually entering the address location. A customer can just scan the location QR code from your website if they want to visit your offices rather than manually looking for the address on google maps. It gives specific directions to your business location.

6. Direct Customers to Social Media Pages
QR codes are also used to direct your customers to social media pages. For example, if a user liked your product or service on a flier, they’ll follow your social media pages for more updates. Sometimes, QR codes can also be used for promotions. Customers can get a discount if they followed your social media platform through the QR code on a flier.

7. Shopping and E-commerce
Probably the far most popular use of QR codes is for online shopping or requesting a food menu for ordering an item at a restaurant. Businesses also use it for discounts and promos, as well as general purchasing as a way to encourage online purchasing or no physical contact. In most restaurants, the use of QR codes to view menus was introduced as a way to ensure social distance and prevent Covid-19.

With these in mind, you will find out that QR codes are better for your marketing strategy as long as you provide a transparent call-to-action (CTA). The user shouldn’t need to guess what to try to do together with your QR code.

What are the restrictions?
There also are some restrictions when using QR codes like internet connectivity. This is a limiting factor when connectivity is not available. Otherwise, with connectivity, they are convenient.
Another restriction is the use of a special application to scan the code. Although most smartphones scan QR codes automatically, many won’t scan barcodes so easily — you will need a special application for that.

How accurate are the QR Codes?
You can run multiple tests on different devices and applications to test if the QR code is giving the correct customer data. If the testing fails, then using QR codes is for nothing. But they have proven to be accurate, leading to the right information.

All in all, QR codes are beneficial to industries. Other than saving time and energy, it also allows you to properly measure your marketing campaign, as QR codes provide the info that one simply needs.



Simon Musopole

Software Engineer, I’m also into Tech and the Decentralized world. Malawian.