Jupyter Notebook free on Cloud for your data science job

Bikash Sundaray
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2018

First-Thing-First: Do you have one or more Python or R Code for your Data Science work. Do You have huge dataset and don’t have enough space in your Laptop and workstation. You want to run your Data science Experiments in cloud for free. You want some powerful Cloud instances dedicated for your code execution for free. Microsoft has something for you called “Azure Notebook”. Sing-up with your Microsoft/outlook/hotmail id and start hosting your data, script, notebook and run everything for free.

Why and Who needs Microsoft Azure Notebook Cloud solution

  1. Do you use Jupyter notebook for your Python or R Coding. It’s getting hard for your to maintain in local drive.
  2. Are you storing all your Jupyter notebook in local hard drive
  3. Are you storing all your jupyter notebook in Github
  4. Do you want to play with other developer’s Notebook Code without installing or downloading in your laptop
  5. Do you want to access your same code in your Personal Laptop, office Laptop or Workstation in a easy way.
  6. Do you want to use powerful cloud computing for your data science job without paying anything from your credit card
  7. Do you want to test Github code directly in browser without cloning/ installing in your Laptop
  8. You have huge data set and don’t have any place to store. Might be in CSV or text or Blob or Image Format
  9. Do you want to pull all publicly available data source and store some where in cloud.
  10. Do you want to copy all Kaggle dataset and store in your cloud.

If you are coming under any 1 out these 10 mention points. Then Azure Notebook is for you. Please continue reading and Do clap for me. It Inspires me to write more for you. You can click on Clap icon — bottom of this page.

Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Notebook in Cloud

Step -1 (Open one Account): https://notebooks.azure.com/

  1. Goto https://notebooks.azure.com/

2. Sign-in With your Outlook or hotmail id (eg. something@outlook.com )

3. In the popup box choose a friendly username for your account

4. Click on Library

Step -2 (Create a new Notebook in Azure Notebook )

  1. Go to Library
  2. Click on New Library
  3. Give a Name and Id
  4. Click on New and give a name for ipynb file and select Python 3 and Create
  5. Within few Seconds notebook will open for you

Step -3 (Import Packages or Install New Python packages)

  1. Most of the Data Science packages are already pre-installed
  2. Just import any package and start writing your code
  3. In-case any required package is missing, you can install it using following syntax. Ohhh my god. “YES you can install any python package”.

!pip install package-name

“Man in a Patagonia hat and tattoos sitting by rows of flower bushes” by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

Step -4 (Import/Upload Dataset)

You can download CSV data set directly to Library or Upload those from your computer.

Follow this easy step to upload dataset (any format) to your library

Directly access those dataset from your notebook. As easy as you can refresh your browser :)

Step -5 (Pull any iPython Notebook from github and run it on Azure)

Goto Github and search for python source code repo which has ipynb format. Just copy that URL and paste in New windows on Azure cloud. Notebook will be copied to your Azure Library. Directly run it on Azure cloud in fraction of seconds.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

That Magic !!!

What’s in future:

Might be it will be paid in future. As a developer continue using it. We love Free and open Source.

We have another very good tool called Google Colab, but i don’t see this many feature there. Although in Google Colab you can install any packages and save your code to your Google Drive.

Happy R&D Flocks

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Bikash Sundaray

AI is my Passion and Innovation is my Energy. I work on ML, IoT, DevOps, Backend, Cloud, Mobile Apps, Security and Frontend