14:31 With Angelic Gibson

Cheri Bonner
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2016

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Angelic Gibson, Senior Vice President, Information Technology, at Technekes. 14:31 was the time allotted, and also a reference to our street address — 1431 West Morehead Street.

How long have you been with Technekes and what brought you here? I arrived in 2013, following what amounted to an eight-month-long interview. By the time I came on board, I knew beyond question that the folks here were exceptionally quick, intelligent and innovative. I was excited to think about taking the tech team to the next level.

What is your primary responsibility at Technekes? Primarily, my job is to understand the needs of our clients, enabling their sales and marketing initiatives, and getting them where they need to go. Just as important, I care for our highly trained and skilled tech team, keeping them motivated and excited — just as they keep me motivated and excited — to deliver for our clients.

What does Technekes do? We do three things, and we do them very well. One, we supplement our clients’ sales teams and extend their reach. Two, we raise brand awareness of our clients’ offerings. And three, we provide sales and marketing technology fueled by data.

What is one thing you’d want prospective clients to know about Technekes? There are so many ways to go to market these days — different channels, different tools, different skills, different technologies — that marketers may feel overwhelmed. And they should. But I’d want to remind strategic leaders that you don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to have all the answers. There’s no reason to build a castle from the ground up. Technekes has already assembled the experts and developed the solutions that will create demand for your product. It would be extremely difficult to replicate what we have — industry knowledge, sales and marketing expertise, advanced technology. We don’t have silos. We work collaboratively with each other, and we will work collaboratively with you. We are on your team.

And if I could elaborate on that for a moment, I’d point out that, not only do we have exceptionally high client retention, but we also have “stakeholder” retention. As our clients move from company to company, they tend to “take” us with them. That should speak volumes to prospective clients.

What is one thing you’d want current clients to know about Technekes? We are always thinking of ways to deliver excellence — always. I can’t tell you how many mornings, someone on our team has come into work saying, “So I woke up in the middle of night, and had this idea …” We are always thinking of ways to deliver excellence to our clients — always. And we bring that same dedication and focus to community causes, including the Charlotte Ronald McDonald House and All-In to Fight Cancer.

What is the biggest problem facing marketers today? Data. As data becomes increasingly essential, marketers are realizing that their data exists in disparate systems — isolated, duplicated and riddled with poor quality. So at the same time clients want to rely more upon their data, they are realizing how unreliable it is.

Where do you see Technekes five years from now? I see us continuing to bridge gaps in the marketplace, repair data, and provide solutions to make our clients’ sales and marketing work together — seamlessly.

If we had a billboard outside our headquarters’ building, what would you want it to say?Are you connected?” — because at our essence, Technekes is a “connector.” We connect you to people, to sales opportunities, to product awareness — all to create demand.

