You Rule: Maximizing Content
With Your MAP.

Meghan Jupiter


Meghan Flanagan, Director of Sales

In 1996, Bill Gates declared that “Content is king.”* Twenty years later, B2B marketers have yet to fully embrace Gates’ directive. It’s not surprising. After investing significant amounts of time and money in processes and systems and platforms (including marketing automation platforms, or MAPs), how could any marketer rest easy crowning the message, rather than the messenger?

Reaching the “right person at the right time with the right message” is a marketer’s Holy Grail, leading to infinite abundance and bridging the legendary gap between marketing and sales. So let’s break it down.

The right person and right time are built-in to your MAP. Provided your data is in good shape, reaching the right person is easily accomplished.* Provided your strategy is in place, you’ll reach that target at the right time.* But the message? There’s the rub. It’s not “built-in” to your MAP. As brilliant as it may be, your MAP can’t function — it can’t “rule” — without content.

No wonder that 33% of B2B marketers cite “targeted delivery of content” as their biggest challenge.*

Part of the problem is who. Who will create the content? After all, we all can write — can’t we? And design can’t be that hard — can it? And a landing page? Isn’t there a button for that?

Technekes can help. As a data-driven marketing company, we’ve been creating high-quality, relevant, effective content for over 15 years — everything from landing pages and complete websites to emails, blogs posts and social media. And with our cross-channel experience we can help you get your message out — to the right person and the right time — to ensure that your MAP does what it’s designed to do — sell.

For more information, please visit or contact me at 704.412.7754 or

* 33% of B2B marketers cite “targeted delivery of content” (i.e., delivering the right content to the right people at the right time) as their biggest challenge. Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: Lead-To-Revenue Management Platform Vendors, Q1 2014, Jan 2014

