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what is AI in very simple language

A brief article that makes the term ‘AI’ no longer mysterious in AI era.

Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2023



Picture this: You’re making your way home after a long workday. The highway is choked, but your vehicle moves smoothly through the chaos. Once you reach home, you ask your hands-free virtual aide to start soothing music, adjust the room’s climate to your comfort, and get your preferred dinner on the way. It goes one step further to suggest a new television series aligned with your past choices.

No, this isn’t a sequence from a futuristic movie. It’s a snapshot of the everyday lives of millions, brought to life by an extraordinary invention — Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI, a constant companion, is reshaping our world beyond what we dreamt of a few decades back. This guide will simplify AI for you, help you grasp its relevance, workings, kinds, everyday instances, and effects, all explained in straightforward, non-tech words.

What is AI? A. Definition of AI in Simple Terms

Artificial Intelligence, stripped to basics, is a machine or a software’s ability to replicate human intelligence, learn from experiences, adapt to fresh data, and perform jobs that typically need human intellect. Imagine it as a system built to interact with our world the way we do, yet with the efficiency and accuracy of a machine.

AI’s voyage began mid-last century when the British genius Alan Turing asked, “Can machines think?” AI has since grown from basic rule-based models to intricate machine learning and deep learning structures.

When we measure AI against human intelligence, it’s akin to comparing a plane with a bird. While both have the power to fly, their ways, potentials, and constraints are drastically different. For example, AI can handle and scrutinize massive data far more rapidly than a human mind. But AI lacks our subtle grasp of context, our flair for creativity, and our emotional depth.

How Does AI Work? A. Explanation of Basic Principles Behind AI

At its essence, AI operates by emulating the human brain’s neural network. It employs algorithms — specific rule sets or directions, to decode data. Machine learning, a component of AI, allows systems to acquire knowledge from data, spot patterns, and make choices with little human interference.

Think of AI as a kid learning a new language. The youngster (AI) learns from a tutor (programmer) using textbooks (data). The more textbooks it reads, the better it gets at comprehending and speaking the language (performing tasks).

A frequent misunderstanding is that AI is an all-powerful, all-knowing force. In truth, AI’s effectiveness is limited to the data it’s trained on and can falter if the data is slanted or incomplete. Moreover, AI doesn’t ‘understand’ or ‘think’ the way humans do — it processes information and decides based on data patterns.

Types of AI

AI is generally split into three kinds: Narrow AI, General AI, and Superintelligent AI.

Narrow AI, or Weak AI, is constructed to carry out a certain job, like voice recognition. Siri and Alexa are prime examples. They can react to your voice instructions, play tunes, or create reminders, but can’t exceed their programming.

General AI, or Strong AI, is a theoretical AI that can comprehend, learn, adapt, and apply knowledge across a broad spectrum of tasks at a human level. It’s the AI that comes to life in sci-fi flicks like ‘Ex Machina’, but it’s not yet part of our reality.

Superintelligent AI is an even more progressive, theoretical AI that outshines human intelligence in virtually all fields, including creativity, wisdom, and social skills. The notion of Superintelligence brings forth fascinating yet chilling scenarios, as showcased in popular culture.

Where do we see AI in everyday life?

Artificial Intelligence isn’t a far-off, future tech. It’s here, now, and deeply rooted in our daily life.

AI pops up in our homes as smart speakers, like Alexa or Google Home. They organize our day-to-day activities, control our smart home gadgets, or introduce us to fresh music aligned with our tastes. Your streaming services lean on AI to propose your next binge-watch, and e-commerce platforms use it to recommend items you might fancy.

At work, AI is stirring a revolution. It fuels virtual helpers that manage schedules, automate monotonous tasks, sift spam emails, and even aid hiring by scanning resumes for key skills. AI’s algorithms are decision-makers, risk analyzers, and forecasters, making businesses more productive and competitive.

AI’s reach extends to public services too. It helps regulate traffic, predicts congestion, and points out the best routes. In healthcare, AI aids in identifying diseases, discovering drugs, and tailoring medical treatment. It assists weather prediction, benefiting everyone from the farmer to the vacationer. if you are interested in real life use cases for AI i recommend checking my article in titled “AI Unleashed: Redefining Boundaries Across Sectors and Society, 14 powerful AI Use Case

What is the Impact of AI?

The emergence of AI stirs up a mix of boons and hurdles.

On the brighter side, AI notably enhances efficiency, speed, and output. It minimizes human error, provides personalized experiences, and tackles complex problems. AI is tireless, freeing humans from mundane tasks, enabling us to focus on the creative and strategic.

On the flip side, AI brings challenges. Job loss due to automation is a significant worry. While AI will birth new roles, it will also render many existing ones obsolete. Privacy is another concern. As AI systems gather and dissect massive data, the use and access to that data present serious concerns.

Finally, the future of AI holds immense promise and doubt. The growth potential is vast, from overhauling healthcare to solving climate change. However, as AI becomes more advanced, ethical considerations take center stage. We need to resolve questions about AI’s transparency, its decision-making, and how much control we should keep over AI systems.

Summing It Up

To wrap up, AI is the tech that’s reshaping our world and us. From a basic explanation to its workings, its types to its daily applications, its impacts to its future, understanding AI is critical in this digital era.

The opportunities and challenges AI brings underscore the need to understand and interact with this technology. As we embark on the future, it’s upon us to steer AI’s course, ensuring it serves as an enhancement tool, not a detriment.

So, whether you’re asking a virtual assistant to play your favorite melody, or an AI-powered service is suggesting a movie for your next watch, remember, AI is not just a future wave; it’s a vital part of the present, impacting our lives in ways big and small. The question remains: Are we prepared to harness its full potential?



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