Add missing Google Fonts to Sketch App

Jake Metz
Technical blog by JakeMetzDev
3 min readApr 30, 2018


Due to Sketch App missing Google Fonts out of the box they cannot be used in wireframing unless the fonts are installed.


  • Install the FontBuddy plugin for Sketch (and no I’m not an affiliate or paid by this company in any way shape or form).

There are numerous solutions available on the web to address this problem including installing the fonts on your computer locally. However, I found this plugin to be the quickest and easiest way to manage installation of any missing fonts for the Sketch App.


  1. Open website

2. Select ‘Download’ button

3. Find ‘FontBuddy 2.sketchplugin’ in downloads folder if your downloads directory (folder) has not already opened.

4. Right click on file and select ‘Copy “FontBuddy 2.sketchplugin”

4. Open Sketch App

5. Navigate to top menu bar and select the ‘Plugins’ dropdown menu.

6. Select ‘Manage Plugins…’ from dropdown menu.

7. Select the small settings icon in the lower left of the pop up window to reveal and select the ‘Reveal Plugins Folder’

8. Right click in the ‘Plugins’ directory and select ‘Paste Item’

9. You now have the FontBuddy plugin. However, you must close and reopen the Sketch App before you are able to use the plugin for the first time.


  1. Open a project in Sketch App
  2. Navigate to top menu bar and select the ‘Plugins’ dropdown menu.
  3. Select FontBuddy by Anima

4. Search for font desired

5. Select ‘Install’ next to desired font

6. Select the ‘Save & Reload File’ button

7. Party by doing a happy dance!

