Flow+Styled Components+VS Code+Windows

Rowan 🤖
Technical Credit 💸
4 min readApr 30, 2017

Flow and Styled Components were recently recommend to me as things that I need to be using right now in the React world. But unfortunately it wasn’t a case of a simple npm install and I had quite a bit of trouble getting Styled Components (1.4.5) and Flow (0.45.0) working on Windows with Visual Studio Code.

Step/Problem/Fix 1

I installed the flow-typed package but I still got the following errors:

import { danger, warn, fail, message } from 'danger'
^^^^^^^^ danger. Required module not found
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ react-native. Required module not found
get injected(): boolean {
^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.
import reactNative from 'react-native'
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ react-native. Required module not found
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ react-native. Required module not found
import expect from 'expect'
^^^^^^^^ expect. Required module not found

One solution is just to ignore everything from Styled Components:


But that feels like it defeats the point of using Flow in the first place. The below .flowconfig appears to work fine:

#no point including this as the lib folder is our main one

Step/Problem/Fix 2

Flow reports “No errors!” but you know that there are definitely errors.

//FILE: app.js
// @flow
import React from 'react';
import { Button, Card } from '../components';
const b = <Button/>;//FILE: components/index.js
//Note that this doesn't have a flow declaration!
import Button from './button';
import Card from './card';
export { Button, Card };//FILE: components/button/index.js
// @flow
import React from 'react';
const Button = (props: { foo: string }) => {
return <div>{props.foo}</div>
export default Button;

In the above scenario I have 3 files:

  • app.js the main application which uses the <Button/> component and should have an error about the foo prop not being provided
  • components/index.js an individual “helper” module so that all components can be imported in one line as named imports
  • components/button/index.js the button component

This is probably a rookie mistake. Since components/index.js didn’t have // @flow at the start of the file, this seems to mean that Flow will not end up propagating the declarations from the button up into the main app. It is possibly a case of “leaking any” that the documentation warns about.

So the fix is to ensure that every file in your project starts with // @flow, or alternatively use the “all” configuration option.

Step/Problem/Fix 3

Getting Flow to work in Visual Studio Code wasn’t a case of simply installing the extension.

The recommend VS Code plugin Flow Language Support (0.6.0) doesn’t seem to support stateless functional components. The alternative vscode-flow-ide seems to fare a lot better, but still requires some configuration.

It is meant to work with Flow installed globally or locally, but in both cases I still got an error about it being unable to find Flow:

[Flow] Cannot find flow in PATH. Try to install it by npm install flow-bin -g

You may also get the below error on your Flow annotated types:

[js] ‘types’ can only be used in a .ts file.

The fix is to add the bellow to your VS Code settings.json file:

"flowide.pathToFlow": "flow",
"javascript.validate.enable": false

It’s a bit weird that pathToFlow is not actually a path, but it works. Turning off JavaScript validation also seems a bit odd, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference since I am using ESLint which still highlights the syntax errors in VS Code.

Step/Problem/Fix 4

When running from the command prompt I quite often get the following result:

[0KNo errors!erver is not responding (3 retries remaining): [processing] |] \

It says that there are no errors, but it is obviously failing because it cannot contact the server for some reason. Really it should be failing with a non “OKNo errors!” message, also note that the text is messed up and overwriting itself.

The fix seems to be to run the command again…


My Flow experience on Windows with my tools of choice hasn’t been a particularly pleasant one. Some of the problems were at this side of the keyboard and some will be resolved once it (and its tools) mature. Flow is obviously a popular and powerful tool, but right now my initial reaction is that I didn’t have this many problems using TypeScript 3 years ago, so if I really wanted to use “JavaScript with static types” right now, then I would probably just use TypeScript… but that attitude might quickly change now that I am now up and running!

