659.9K Views And 1.1K Followers Per Week!

While I Admittedly Did Not Do Much Writing On Quora!

Deon Christie


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The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What Will You Learn From This Article?

First A Bit Of Chit-Chat.

Where Quora Spaces Came From.

What I Mean With Multiply By 128.

A Little Quora Spaces Update And Proof.

How To Create Quora Spaces.

Sharing Is Caring And Recognition.

My Quora “Secret” Besides Post-Scheduling.

First A Bit Of Chit-Chat.

I am going to keep the 659.9K Views and 1.1K Followers with Quora short. Or shall I rather say, I will try? If there’s anyone reading this that finds writing short-form content challenging.

Please share it in the comments. Let we birds of a feather flock together so as to not disappoint the phrase! There is something you need to know about the Quora Space stats and feedback I am about to share.

Admittedly, I have not been very active on Quora lately. But I have already set up 128 Quora spaces. I will share with you how to get other professionals to write for you on your Quora spaces.

For that, however, you will need to read the full article. Or just listen to it with the Medium option to listen to posts. Truth be told, that’s what I do because then I tend to take more in for some unexplained reason.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Perhaps my brain got attached to audio from my DJ days, who knows? I still prefer listening to posts nonetheless. So much so that I have also installed a widget to perform the same task on my blog.

I just find long-form content more soothing when listening to it, kind of like my mind taking notes! Some of my articles are like 13 minutes to read, in which case, I’d rather go for audio.

See, there I go again. I already have over 500 words (And I basically Just Said Hi). Will I ever be able to write short-form content…lol!? The widget is called “ReadAloud Widget”, by the way, and you can find it at WordPress(dot)org. It’s also free.

But keep reading because getting other professional writers to write and post content in your Quora spaces automates the entire exercise! Along with the free Quora post-scheduling tool.

I have already mentioned that in two other posts on Medium about the Quora Spaces topic. If you happen to miss them, I will include them in this article for you.

This particular article below will show you how to integrate Quora with Medium to get quite a bit of Medium readers to your work.

Where Quora Spaces Came From.

To the best of my understanding, Quora Spaces was formerly known as Quora Blogs, and they serve a similar purpose. In November 2018 spaces were launched and replaced the blogs option in Quora.

This is precisely one year before I joined Quora in 2017. So, I cannot offer much insight into the Quora blogs. But then they are no longer relevant, water under the bridge, so to speak.

As I don’t know anything about blogs, I can tell you that Quora spaces can drive traffic as you’ve never seen before! They are really easy to create too, but we will get to that a bit later as well.

What I Mean With Multiply By 128.

Simple, the amount of Quora Spaces you create. To the best of my knowledge, there is no limit that I know of. I personally have 128 Quora spaces at the time of writing this article. And counting…

Not all my spaces are doing as well as “Skilled English Writing”, some did shockingly better a while back like “TikTok And Instagram Traffic”.

My point is that should you get every space up to let’s say 10K views per week, it will amount to around 40K per month. With 128 spaces, you’re looking at 5.12 MILLION content views per month!

And no, I have not reached those volumes…yet. I too am still working on building my Quora spaces. I am merely demonstrating the potential, and with proof, a rather realistic one.

Ok, just to be sure you have no doubts about my techniques and strategies. I will share it in short which led to quite a drop in views. Some individuals (sore losers that cannot write if their lives depended on it), wrongfully reported my content on Quora.

Quora Moderation just responded by banning my account. After contacting Quora Moderation, they apologized profoundly and reinstated my Quora profile, along with every piece of content.

The bright side of this is that by apologizing and restoring everything Quora moderation just confirmed that there is no problem with my Quora marketing strategies.

Therefore you can rest assured that my Quora techniques are sound and safe to use!

You must always try and see the good in every seeming defeat!

Unfortunately, though the damage was done, it will take a lot of time to repair that. The kind of damage that took me from 2 MILLION content views per month to 25K content views!

It was a devastating blow, but the good thing about that is the fact that some competitors are obviously getting nervous. Good, they better be getting nervous, because there is no stopping me!

I will not be outworked, outwilled, or outwitted by these sore losers. I have failed way more times than they have even tried, and I have started over a few times. Because I will not stop!

Below is just a quick illustration of my space “TikTok And Instagram Traffic”. 659.9K views in One Week! But this was before the sore losers blindsided me!

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Multiplying your views, followers, upvotes, and comments by creating multiple Quora Spaces is a sure way to get recognized, fast. Pinning an answer to your space that redirects to a Medium publication is one way I get Medium readers.

But I have already shared that article at the foot of the first heading body in this article. So be sure to take a look at that one and start getting more readers to your Medium content.

A Little Quora Spaces Update And Proof.

The other Quora Space mentioned next to “TikTok And Instagram Traffic”, namely “Skilled English Writing” have fewer views. But clearly, a more targeted audience, with a follower count of 1.1K per week!

Where “TikTok And Instagram Traffic” had 659.9K views, there were only 179 new followers. Not everything will take off and perform in the same exact manner.

This is why I suggest multiple Quora spaces. This clearly proves that you can reach Around 750K content views with just 2 spaces in ONE WEEK!

skilled english writing on quora spaces
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

From the illustration above, you will also notice the pinned post. As mentioned earlier, the strategy to use Quora for Medium article reads. The pinned post relates to every person online looking for guaranteed buyer traffic.

Writers especially, so, I thought this post to be a good fit for Skilled English Writing. And a good fit it was indeed! The pinned post is an answer to the following question on Quora.

“Can you please give me any source of Quality paid traffic for affiliate marketing?”

My solution? Getting guaranteed 30 seconds or more Google Ads views for $0.012 cents per view. It is just a strategy I stumbled on that also gets traffic to your affiliate website at the same time.

Now we all know that most Google Ads can cost you way in excess of $0.012 cents per view, so this one attracted quite a bit of attention. And guess what link is at the end of the (long form) answer?

You guessed it. A Medium publication on the content marketing strategy with Google Ads step by step.

including Medium posts in your Quora answers
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

This answer was pinned to “Skilled English Writing” on October 13, and by October 23 it had over 2K views! Guess which is one of my most-read publications on Medium?

How To Create Quora Spaces.

This is another 3000-word article to explain step-by-step how to create responsive Quora Spaces. Luckily, I have already covered it in another post. The perfect guide on how to create Quora spaces.

Really much the same as just about any other profile, group, page, or community for that matter. It must be professional and attract attention. Everything about the space must trumpet exactly what it is about.

Learn how to create Quora spaces that get views fast from this article.

Sharing Is Caring And Recognition.

Another topic previously covered is how to build large social audiences. But not just any audiences, responsive ones that actually read and respond to your content.

Sharing other people’s content is how you build recognition fast. Sharing is caring but sharing blindly can be devastating. Always pay attention to what you share, to whom you share it, and who the creator is.

The internet is invested with “professionals” and “experts” who think completing a 7-day course makes you a “Guru”. Well, it doesn’t. Ad a decade or so, and perhaps you can flaunt that title.

Personally, I avoid those words when introducing myself. I think of myself as a content creator, not a guru, and an online explorer rather than an expert.

Just an ordinary guy, with an extraordinary dream and imagination!

My Quora “Secret” Besides Post-Scheduling.

Once you have started growing a list of Quora followers based on your niche. Hopefully, also pay attention to profiles so you connect with actual professionals.

With Quora Spaces, the post-scheduling tool works like a charm. Combine that with other professionals writing and publishing in your Quora space. That is a winning combination!

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

This is done by inviting other professional writers to become contributors to your Quora space. Above is an example of a list of contributors to one of my Quora spaces.

But please, I say again. Be careful who you invite as contributors. Not even to mention those you may consider administrators. Be sure they are as professional as they claim to be.

You want real professionals to become frequent writers on your Quora Space. That way you have Constand interaction, posting, and engagement. As I had with “Skilled English Writing” over the last few months

This is just one of another few strategies I use with Quora Spaces. Which I did not mention in the other Quora posts on Medium. I am saving all the rest, so I don’t run out of ideas.

But also so that I can be able to maintain useful content and grow on Medium.

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Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011. https://easyinternetmoneyandjobs.com