25 Latin Phrases to Make You Sound Smarter

Work smarter, not harder.

Dr. Casey Lawrence
Published in
11 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Better your academic or professional writing

Whether you’re writing an academic essay, an important email to your boss, or a reply to some smartass comment on Facebook, writing intelligently helps you present your argument in the best possible light. While Latin isn’t commonly spoken today as a language, Latin words and phrases have made their way into English — especially in scholarly, legal, and business contexts — making them sound inherently educated and, dare I say, “elite.” Adding the occasional Latin phrase to your vocabulary, therefore, elevates your work to the level of the pros, without spending a fortune on writing and rhetoric classes.

Many Latin words and phrases are part of our everyday vernacular, so it really isn’t hard to pepper in a few extras here and there to make your writing stand out. Using these words and phrases correctly (and I do want to emphasize the “correctly,” because mixing up Latin words or using them in the wrong context will make you look like a tryhard with a thesaurus) and you will find yourself writing like a pro.

Without further ado, here are some Latin words and phrases for you to impress your next email recipient:

1. For example: i.e., or e.g.?



Dr. Casey Lawrence

Canadian author of three LGBT YA novels. PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Check out my lists for stories by genre/type.