3 Tools That Can Help Level Up Your Freelance Writing Career

You can start building your freelance writing empire once you understand how to use these tools

Alex Ghaznawi


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The world of freelance writing is unique, isn’t it?

It lures you in with promises that you can make a full-time living working from the comfort of your laptop. All you have to do is share your opinions, thoughts, and experiences with the internet. Write a few articles per week, publish them, and wallah — watch the money pile up!

Well, if you’re anything like me, you understand that it’s not this simple. In fact, I’ve found that freelance writing is a complex world where very few people find success. While those who are unsuccessful spend their days lurking in forums and Facebook groups posting about how editors or the algorithm is at fault for their lack of success.

Now, I haven’t been writing for very long. I started on Medium in February of this year, and I had zero writing experience before then. It also didn’t help that I failed every writing class I took in school (yikes, I know!) So when I submitted my articles to publications, I would get the same response of:

“Hey Alex, thanks for your submission, but we’re going to pass on this one.”



Alex Ghaznawi

Attempting to solve the who, what, when, how of the universe. Contact: alexghaznawi@gmail.com