3 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find Your Target Clients

Misha Naraniya
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2022
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

LinkedIn is such a platform which I won’t doubt on. This platform has changed my life completely. Who I am? What I do? What was I before joined LinkedIn?

All of these my question’s answer is one and only LinkedIn. LinkedIn has given me such an opportunity to enhance my writing skills. Because it was the very first platform where I curated my first Content.

It was the very first platform where I get my first potential client.

But how did it possible?

To know answer of this question you’ve to read the full article. I’ve written three most important things to find your target clients:

Find Your Niche

First you have to know about your Niche because a Niche is important to Target your Audience. Niche means what is your expertise? Which topic you like the most? On which topic you can write a better content?

So when you get answer of all these questions then your journey begins. I mean you can find your expertise! Your Niche! Because Niche is the very important to target your audience.

If you know pain-points your clients then you can solve their problems easily. So the most important thing is find your Niche.

Optimize Your Profile

What if you haven’t optimized you profile? Your audience won’t understood what you want to offer. First we have to know about what is profile optimization?

Profile optimization is the enough information about what you offer to your new and existing clients. If you are a Content Writer then you add keywords according to your expertise and Niche.

If you are a Social Media Marketer then you add keywords to this. Means the services you offer you’ve optimize your profile according to this.

Your visualization is also keeps an important place in your profile optimization. You must put your profile picture and it should be professional not personal. Because clients want to work with you so they only needs those persons who are serious in theirs’ work.

If you do this then your profile makes you stand out from the crowd.

Write Contents

Now the last but the most important point is to write Content. But writing Content doesn’t mean that you write anything. Because Content is King and if you’ve written boring and useless content then your target clients won’t want to work with you.

If you want to attract your target audience then do more research and then write a better content for them.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve read the entire then you get to know what I want to say. Finding clients is not that difficult task, but your content and profile should be readable, and eye-catchy.



Misha Naraniya

Blogger! Freelance Content Writer! Co-author! Writing is my Passion! Coffee Lover! Join my newsletter here: https://mishanwrites.substack.com/