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4 Tips for Non-Native English Speaker New Writers

Starting writing in a language that it’s not even yours? Let me share my best practices with you so.

Marcus Dutra
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2021


Write your article first in your language

This is essential for anyone starting to write in a foreign language.

First of all, you need to like writing to write. Looking for a lot of quality at the beginning of your apprenticeship can lead you to give up, especially for those who are foreigners.

“You only learn to be a better writer by actually writing.” — Doris Lessign

So write the way you’re used to, let the words flow like you’re speaking or thinking in your own language.

Use Good Tools to Translate

Ok. You have written a nice article, good! Now it needs to be in English.

This process is very important. Of course, you want to be among the best, so we’ll use the tools of the best.

So these two ways are essential to articulate your writing and avoid spelling errors and even grammar mistakes.

Just translate isn’t enough, it’s necessary to review the article. Your reasoning needs to be clear, similar to your mother language, cohesive, and coherent.

If you feel insecure with your own review, don’t worry! You have already a beautiful community tool.

Publish at Publications

This one is a facilitator if you want to grow here on Medium. In addition to having a community to talk and interact with, your articles will have more reach.

Furthermore, there are editors who will lovingly take care of your article to make it better. Really some editors can be boring, but that’s their job, don’t let your ego irritate you by the delay in submission, most of the time they know what they’re doing.

Editors work almost like our parents, so sometimes just obey and one day you’ll be very grateful.

“Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.”— Ellen DeGeneres

Read a Lot

And obviously for you to write in English, the habit of reading in English is essential.

“I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

Reading in English helps you:

  • Know vocabulary.
  • Improve your reasoning.
  • Understand and see horizons never seen before.
  • Learn grammar.

    Anyway, read in English.

