5 Online Writing Truths I Discovered The Hard Way

Avoid the tears and learn from my mistakes



Seven years.

That’s how long I’ve been writing online. Helping clients boost their visibility and tell their stories in public.

And still, remembering how fickle the internet is never gets old.

Writing online is a unique beast, but one that’s necessary if you’re trying to build a business — whether you’re trying to make it as a writer or not. Writing is a way to connect with your audience.

So of course, you need to know how to navigate the choppy waters of online writing.

Along the way, I’ve learned some harsh truths about chasing metrics and finding your voice that can quickly make or break your online writing success. Now I wear the battle scars with honour because they’ve made me a better online writer and a more considerate digital content creator for my clients.

In my experience, here are the five inconvenient truths about writing online that will help you sidestep potential mistakes on your journey.

1. You can’t plan or influence how many people will engage with your piece



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Owner of Anna's Digital Studio. Gentle Productivity. Notion Magic. Creative Chaos. annasdigitalstudio.com