5 Quick Tips that Boost Your Creativity and Ramp Up Your Writing Productivity

Some of them might surprise you

Patricia Haddock


Try These 5 Quick Tips that Boost Your Creativity and Ramp Up Your Writing Some of them might surprise you
Photo by Juan Rojas on Unsplash

You know the feeling. You need a content idea and nothing interests you. You’ve stockpiled all kinds of ideas and prompts for times like this, but none of them are working. It’s as if the creative part of your brain has signed off, and nothing is stirring it back to life. You sit in front of your laptop trying to squeeze out something, anything, but zilch.

We’ve all been here. It’s a fact of freelancing life that some days nothing intrigues us enough to write about — we’re bored with our ideas and everyone else’s. And, of course, it always happens when we’re on deadline.

Are there ways we can foster our creativity and rely on it to be there when we need it? What can we do to encourage inspiration to strike more often and more easily? Here are 5 easy ways that can help you unlock your creativity.

1. Distance yourself from the work

There’s a tendency to try to force ourselves to be creative. It doesn’t work. The more we force, the more we push creativity into the background. Creating psychological distance, on the other hand, helps us see things in a new way; it gives us a perspective on something. Instead of sticking to it, we need to…



Patricia Haddock

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. & pat@phaddock.com.