5 Ways To Turn Your Ideas Into Words

When your mind is an idea factory, the hard part is turning them into substantial content.

Ana Writes


Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

As a writer, coming up with new ideas has been very easy for me. I do not find it hard to come up with noble ideas and thoughts. I analyze everything around me, which has been the best way to develop ideas continually.

But there is one thing I struggle with: turning my ideas into words. For me, ideas are not that complex, which means they require a bit of thinking and researching.

When I have an idea, it’s usually no more than a sentence long. Something like “ productivity hacks?” is not enough to create a substantial article. This means I have to use several techniques to further expand on this idea.

Over the years, I have come up with tricks and techniques that help me turn simple ideas into substantial content.

‘Brain dumping’

Brain dumping is a popular technique when journaling. It allows for your thoughts to free flow from your brain onto a piece of paper. The beauty of brain dumping is that there is no layout.

You can freely write whatever you want because chances are, no one will look at it. I had a bad habit in the past where I thought even my drafts and outlines…

