Effective Writing On Medium

6 Strategies to Propel Your Writing Career on Medium

Discover six proven strategies to succeed as a writer on Medium. From finding your niche to engaging with the Medium community, these tactics will take your writing career to new heights.

Tyler Lubben BBA
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2023


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Medium is a powerful platform for writers to showcase their skills and connect with readers, offering the potential to earn income. However, with the fierce competition on Medium, it’s crucial to have a solid strategy in place to succeed as a writer. In this listicle, we delve into six strategies that will take your writing career to new heights and set you apart from the rest. From finding your niche and creating compelling content to engaging with the Medium community and leveraging social media, these tactics will help you navigate the competitive landscape and thrive as a writer on Medium.

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  1. Master the Art of Storytelling
    Mastering the art of storytelling is an invaluable skill that can significantly enhance the impact of your writing. You can draw readers into your narrative and keep them engaged by captivating your readers from the first sentence. Employing effective storytelling techniques allows you to create articles that are not only relatable but also memorable, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. So, whether crafting a listicle, a how-to article, or a fictional piece, honing your storytelling abilities is essential for creating compelling content.
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2. Nail Your Headlines
Crafting attention-grabbing headlines is crucial for the success of your articles. A well-crafted headline has the power to entice readers and compel them to click and read further. It serves as a hook that captures their interest and makes them curious about what lies within the article. You can use several free resources to analyze your headline and see if it fits the conventions of a stand-out headline. Therefore, investing time and effort into creating captivating headlines can significantly boost the visibility and impact of your content.

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3. Leverage the Power of SEO
Unlock the full potential of SEO and take your online presence to new heights. With the power of Search Engine Optimization, you can boost your visibility on Medium’s platform and reach a wider audience. Discover the art of optimizing your articles with strategically placed keywords, compelling meta tags, and captivating descriptions that will attract organic traffic and engage readers from all corners of the internet. Utilize several tools to find effective keywords. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your content’s impact and drive more traffic to your website or blog with effective SEO techniques.

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4. Engage with the Medium Community

Engaging with the Medium community is not only a way to build relationships but also an opportunity to gain valuable insights and grow as a writer. You can spark meaningful discussions and connect with like-minded individuals by leaving thoughtful comments on other writers’ articles. Additionally, regularly reading and learning from the works of others allows you to expand your knowledge and refine your writing style. Being an active participant in the community helps you establish yourself as a trusted voice and opens doors to collaboration and support from fellow writers.

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5. Create High-Quality Content Consistently
Creating high-quality content consistently is essential for success on Medium. By developing a content calendar and committing to it, you can ensure that you consistently deliver valuable and well-written articles to your audience. This consistency will keep readers coming back for more and help optimize your overall success on the platform. Remember, consistency is vital when building a strong presence on Medium.

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6. Utilize Eye-Catching Visuals
Visuals are an essential component in creating engaging content that captivates readers. When used effectively, images, infographics, and charts can elevate the impact of your articles and convey a deeper meaning to your audience. By incorporating eye-catching visuals, you enhance the overall quality of your writing and grab the attention of readers who might otherwise skim through the text. Utilizing compelling photos that complement your story adds another layer of visual appeal, making your content more memorable and persuasive.

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Tyler Lubben BBA
Writer for

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.