6 Things I Learned From Posting on TikTok for 6 Months

Discovering the only “formula” I needed to grow

Ifeoma Ahuna
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]


I’ve been creating content for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until last December that I decided to commit to the process and decided to intentionally be consistent on TikTok.

Even as a seasoned Social Media Manager and social media addict, every experience prior to this time was a flop.

I remember the days where I’d spend hours and hours on each perfectly curated Instagram photo, invest in video filters, and craft the perfect “low-effort” captions just to get low engagement and tons of internal cringe.

Back then I didn’t know it, but the reality was, I wasn’t being 100% myself. I was following this generic & trendy “universal” formula, hoping to feel authentic creative expression.

I even passed this style on to my client work (they also got fed the trendy and formulaic content juice) and eventually after becoming a robotic generator with a head full of rules, posting times, SEO tricks, and hashtag banks, I broke.

It wasn’t until last December, I decided to say fuck the rules and post just to post.

6 months later, I was having more fun than I had ever experienced creating social media, landed a few brand deals…

