7 Simple Reasons Why SEO is Important For Bloggers

The key to organic traffic is SEO

Duane Michael
5 min readJul 3, 2022


The key to organic traffic is SEO
Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

Have you ever considered whether or not search engine optimization (SEO) is important to bloggers? If not, it’s time you give it some thought. Here are 7 reasons why SEO should be essential in every blogger’s toolbox.

Search Engine Optimization Helps Your Readers Find You

These days, search engines like Google decide what to show their visitors based on a variety of factors. As such, search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important role in determining where your content ranks and how many visitors your site attracts.

If you have an interest in blogging or wish to start a business as a blogger, investing time into learning how to optimize your content will help you reach more people. And if you’re blogging for a living, search engine optimization can boost your income.

Search Engine Optimization Can Help You Earn More From Advertising

Businesses won’t be able to find your website without it. After all, how can someone buy what they can’t find? If you want more money from advertisers, then getting search engine optimization right should be at or near the top of your priority list.

Optimizing your site will ensure that it appears in search engines like Google and Bing when potential customers are looking for businesses like yours. This has two big benefits. You get traffic from people who would have never found you otherwise, and those visitors convert into paying customers.

Search Engine Optimization helps with keywords: Your business name is only one word! Trying to rank for something as specific as Joe’s Pizza Shop will be a lot harder than ranking for a pizza shop. When it comes to SEO, the more specific your keyword phrase is, the better off you are.

That way, you can target a particular group of people who might need your product or service specifically (and not just anyone searching for that term). That increases the chances of them converting into a customer — which equals increased profits.

A Higher Ranking on Google Gives You Authority

If you want your content to be recognized, it’s important that it appears in as many places as possible. A higher ranking on Google gives you authority and leads to people sharing your content, which in turn generates more traffic to your site. This creates a virtuous circle of exposure and authority that can boost your search engine rankings.

Getting authoritative links from industry leaders or social media connections with large followings can help even more; these kinds of relationships give Google a good indication that your content is high quality and has been validated by a third party, making it easier for them to rank you highly.

Search Engine Optimization Brings Search Engine Traffic To Your Blog

Search engine optimization (SEO) brings search engine traffic to your website by focusing on keyword phrases that are related to your niche. Search engine users click through to a site when they search using keywords, and SEO can increase your click-through rate.

As a result, you’ll have more visitors who visit regularly. More visitors means more potential customers, at least in theory. In practice, however, since not every visitor becomes a customer, having lots of traffic but few conversions may not be worth it. This will vary from niche to niche, so investigate carefully before jumping in headfirst.

Search Engine Optimization Gets Readers To Return Again and Again

Readers who search for information using a search engine will often check a site out based on its relevance to their query. If you want your readers to return, you must appear highly in searches. If they aren’t finding your website, then it’s unlikely they will ever return and that means lost potential visitors and lost potential income.

You can improve your chances of being found by including keywords or terms from your niche in your content. Make sure to use relevant image names and title tags as well. Each of these things helps indicate what a post is about, making it more likely that Google will include you in searches related to those topics.

Search Engine Optimization Makes It Easier To Sell Products or Services

For example, if you are a website owner who owns a vacation rental, search engine optimization can increase your traffic and make it easier to sell your property. Another good example is if you own an online bookshop — search engine optimization makes it easier to rank higher in searches so that more people will find your products.

If you are an online blogger, better rankings mean more visits from readers who can click on links from other blogs back to yours which means more visitors. Having a high amount of organic visitors is always better than being at the top of google because of PPC (Pay Per Click) ads.

Search Engine Optimization Helps You Get Noticed by Bigger Brands

Companies like Google and Yahoo are constantly looking for new, innovative websites. If you’re a small business, it can be hard to compete with big-name brands. But if you have great SEO, then companies like Yahoo will take notice of your brand.

This leads to better rankings on search engines and more traffic coming to your website. If you want your website to be noticed by larger companies, then you must pay attention to SEO right away.

It could help put your brand on the map. Improve search engine rankings: The only way that people are going to find your website is if they’re able to find it through a search engine like Google or Yahoo Search Marketing.


Search engine optimization (SEO) may be an intimidating term to most people, but it’s quite easy. Just follow these 7 tips and you will be sure to make SEO work for your needs. Your business can be successful with proper attention to search engine optimization.

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Duane Michael

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊