7 Tips To Achieve Spiritual Awakening

My experience of waking up spiritually and advice to people searching for meaning in life.

Greg Franz Meditation
4 min readDec 27, 2022


Supernova — Created by G. F. F. (me)
Supernova — Created by Me

My spiritual awakening

Hi, l would like to share with you my spiritual awakening story.

Here we go :)

I graduated from high school 7 years ago. After spending most of my life in school, I felt miserable, lost, and hopeless.

Why you may ask? The educational system I was in tormented my creativity and independent thinking. In school, I was punished for asking questions and expressing my opinion.

Teachers valued obedience and I just wouldn’t conform. My way of being resulted in some members of society treating me with hate, discrimination, and exclusion.

And there I was — asleep going through the nonsense of gray reality. Emptiness took over and I gave up on life. Just another brick in the wall, another cog in the machine. Meaning of life? Eat, work, sleep, and reproduce.

About a month after high school I started to notice individual sparks of light getting through my mental fog. I was 19 years old, burned out, but starting to get better. What helped me was the ability to breathe and relax after having to run towards externally motivated goals. Passing an uptight, boring school, trying to be a “successful ” person by society's standards. I talk more about that topic here.

I felt stripped from self-respect because I didn’t have good grades, a girlfriend, or a high position in some hierarchy. Later on, I discovered that all of those things are not essential to happiness.

My strong suits have always been vivid imagination, awareness, and the ability to think deeply. Do you know how people tend to say loneliness is a bad thing? I disagree with that. Being by myself has done wonders for me, and because of it, I was able to rethink my way of life.

In the process of self-discovery, I’ve opened up a tremendous source of power. It took me about 3–4 months of searching to find myself. I remember the moment of my awakening as well as anything. There I was on the top of the mountain near Calgary, Canada, listening to Jimi Hendrix.

Suddenly I felt tremendous energy going through the top of my head filling up my entire body. I united with the universe, true, infinite love touched my soul. I wish everybody could feel it at least once in life. The meaning of life was revealed and I could feel it. That experience completely transformed me. From that point on my energy gained new levels of wisdom, love, and power.

Why am I sharing this with you?

I want to emphasize that a spiritual awakening is possible.

There is hope

Most people’s energetic door is locked. The reason for it is limiting beliefs, doubts, and years of conditioning. Note: not all beliefs, doubts, or conditioning have to be harmful, but they often are blocking people from achieving higher levels of energy.

Energy is shut down when people can’t express or act as they feel. Acts of suppression become a habit. Then the person is drawn from their inner, original vibe and power.

Authorities suppress the free expression of individuals by setting up laws and cultural norms. They do this to keep people from rebellion, they allow us to express our emotions in controllable ways. Is it bad?

I think everyone has to answer that question themselves.

In my opinion, people have to grow up as a collective for the laws (written and unwritten) to become more liberal. I also believe we are going towards that, despite recent trends in certain countries. Humans and their societies evolve. There are lower points, like wars, and abuse, but unfortunately, this often seems to be necessary for society to change. And the change is coming, it's inevitable. It doesn’t mean one should just wait passively and see. The opposite is true.

To reach diamonds one first has to get through the dirt. That is the fundamental law of nature. I talk more about that here.

In my opinion to achieve spiritual awakening one should do the following:

  1. Practice mindfulness (Here are some tips for practicing mindfulness);
  2. Be brave;
  3. Go out to nature;
  4. Explore reasonable possibilities to evolve (click here to find out what therapists do to help people);
  5. Be kind and true to yourself, and to other people (when possible);
  6. Challenge yourself mentally and behaviorally. Meditate, listen to criticism, observe your thoughts, learn new skills, step out of your comfort zone to overcome fear, etc.;
  7. Open yourself up to that which you try to avoid.

Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think about this topic in the comments.

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Greg Franz Meditation

Meditator | Psychologist | Writer | Aspiring Coder. ☮🤔🌌