A Cosmic Marvel Turned to Dust!

The Result Of Our Own Hate, Of Ignorance, And Of Lust!

Deon Christie


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a cosmic marvel turned to dust a poem by deon christie
Canva Deon Christie- Author

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A poem by Deon Christie.

Listen to the author’s voice.

A Cosmic Marvel Turned To Dust.

My poetic message to you.

A poem by Deon Christie

As unpleasant as it is to admit, our world is dying as a result of petty differences, ignorance, and lust. A poem dedicated to placing an exclamation on our disrespect as a species, leading to our imminent demise!

The world we created is of inconsideration, destruction, and hate (mostly). Our world is dying and along with her all of our existence is soon to fade into evolutionary history.

Listen to the author’s voice.

A Cosmic Marvel Turned To Dust.

a cosmic marvel as we destroy the oceans
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

A once vibrant Cosmic marvel turned to dust,

the result of hate, and of ignorance and of lust!

An illusion we have of being the crown of creation,

an illusion that has caused none but devastation!

As our giver of life stands right before our eyes,

we choose to bicker, argue, and fight over things and over lies!

There are powers far greater than our understanding of gods,

when in truth we may all be wrong, or right, what are the odds?

We are from the Earth and that should be our church,

we are the protectors of life and as such must emerge.

Is nature then, not the apex of amazement and burst of life,

when we so comfortably trade that for money, possessions, and strife?

Creating a twisted mental persistence to compete,

when in the end it will all be imminently absolute.

Nature is my church and the Universe my religion,

while the opinions others may have are but a smidgen.

I am the forest dweller and ambassador for truth,

adding to the spice of life, with just a tiny dash of vermouth.

A protector, poet, thinker, and writer who knows no restraint,

be it as it may, my decisions and path are always quaint.

a cosmic marvel turned to dust poem by deon christie
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Some may understand the poem, some may not. It describes humanity and the devastation we cause. I too am “guilty” because we have created an existence from which there is no escape.

We all use deodorant, toothpaste, washing powder, various chemicals, and products packaged in plastic, need I really go on? But don’t get me going, this can easily turn into an eBook!

My poetic message to you.

Our daily lives, good people, and bad are all connected in some way by the things we use. No other life form on Earth needs so many “attachments” to survive or just live for that matter.

Let me put it this way, just as an example. If almost 8 billion people used one plastic bag, that would end up in the ocean. That is 8 billion (well almost 8 billion) plastic bags marine life has to suffocate on.

We live in a world, sadly, where some of those we trust dispose of the waste “when we do our part”. Sometimes they do not do theirs, otherwise, our planet and oceans would not suffer in such a mess.

Perhaps I’m just a rambling fool, but I cannot ignore what I see. I find it disturbing to see what has become of our planet in such a short time. Experts believe we are in the midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction Level Event!

The above-mentioned article shocked me! The last extinction-level event happened around 65.5 million years ago with the dinosaurs, we all know that story, right?

Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa. For most of history, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Humans began exhibiting behavioural modernity about 160,000–60,000 years ago. — Wikipedia Source

To me, 65.5 million years, measured against around 300,000 years of existence I find rather alarming. That basically means, that when we use time as a measure of our planet’s existence. It took us mere seconds to destroy it.

Just let that sink in for a bit. And that is where my poem comes from, inspired by facts of destruction. Fueled by betrayal, lust, and greed it an even sadder and more disturbing tale.

In conclusion, all I have to say is I think we should return to being humble, and kind. No matter your level of success, it gives you no right to discard other life, be rude and be unkind.

If we had a little more compassion and consideration I doubt experts would have had reason to believe we are already in the sixth extinction-level event.

If you have enjoyed my poem, kindly leave your honest thoughts. This was my second try, after writing several eBooks, and numerous articles. I now venture into poetry too!

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Deon Christie

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