Affiliate Marketing Sales And Medium Writing!

Beginners guide with Medium stories for affiliate marketing!

Deon Christie


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affiliate marketing and generating online sales with medium stories
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this article

Medium affiliate marketing and your profitable niche.

Affiliate marketing on Medium product research.

Generating affiliate sales by writing Medium stories.

Niche knowledge of affiliate marketing on Medium.

Affiliate marketing on Medium is not about sales.

Medium affiliate marketing and your profitable niche

This affiliate marketing strategy to generate sales by writing Medium stories comes quite a long way. An affiliate marketing strategy I was working on since 2017 when my stupidity rudely interrupted me. But we will get to that later.

I will guide you through the strategy and provide proof that it works! But before all that, let’s get you started the right way. Affiliate marketing with Medium stories or any other exposure strategy you use is not about just picking random affiliate products and hoping for the best.

You start affiliate marketing by writing Medium stories related to your profitable niche. Some of you may have heard of the profitable niche, but some of you might not. Therefore we will quickly look at what your profitable niche is.

In a sentence, “That which you love doing most”. This is also why hobbies often turn out rather profitable. Because let’s face it, you’d rather be busy with your hobby (fishing, cycling, gym workouts, writing, gardening, woodwork, electronics, video games) than be at the 9 to 5, right?

Precisely, and that is why hobbies often turn profitable with digital marketing. Because you get to turn your knowledge into a digitally accessible product. That is what making money online is all about, the knowledge to solve problems and offer advice.

With affiliate marketing it’s no different, it works with exactly the same principle, offering valuable content. In order to do that you need knowledge, and obviously, you have quite a bit of knowledge about your hobby, right? See where this is going?


Before you go there, the answer is no. You don’t have “too little” knowledge, just try commenting and answering people’s questions. But prepare to be blown away at just how much you know! Remember, there will always be people “out there” struggling to do what you have already mastered.

Successful affiliate marketing and writing are about learning from those who know more than you. You teach and offer solutions to those who know less than you. That way, everyone gets to climb the ladder of popularity and sales with affiliate marketing. It’s just how it works.

Can you tell me the time, yes? Well, it is one of the most searched phrases on Google with an average of 200K USA searches per month alone. Can you believe that? But it is also rising in interest as the search volume prediction illustrates below. See, you have knowledge others need. Even if it’s just to tell the time! But I’m just using this for some extra motivation.

affiliate marketing with medium writing and keyword search prediction
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Affiliate marketing is all about offering the right solution, with the right product, to the right audience, at the right time. Those are the basic requirements to generate sales with affiliate marketing. But we will get to that a bit later in this article.

In conclusion to the first subheading, you can and will make money online once you discover your profitable niche. After that, you need to do product research in order to offer value to your readers and audiences.

Affiliate marketing on Medium product research

Among the more popular affiliate networks (especially for beginners) you will find the two mentioned below. With Warrior Plus, however, you will need your own hosted domain and blog or website. Plus, you will have to have generated sales online before. Even if it was just one sale.

With Clickbank however, there is none of that. However, I have also learned from responses from my audiences that Clickbank is not available in all countries. Well, the Medium Partner Program is not available in my country (South Africa).

But that didn’t stop me from making money with Medium…just a thought. Whatever is not available to you, find a way around it, go through it, but keep moving forward. There are many private affiliate programs, like software and plugins, memberships, and site builders.

But you will have to do the research and find affiliate products to promote. If you want to succeed badly enough then you will find products to promote, and you will succeed, in time.


Warrior Plus.

Affiliate product research consists of a few things, not only research. You must do extensive research, and check reviews about the product. Be sure that the product in mind does live up to its claims. The best way to do that though is to purchase and test the products you intend to promote.

You must always offer an affiliate product, related to the topic of your content, and that you are satisfied solves the problem it says that it does. There are a few things you might want to focus on with choosing affiliate products listed below.

Dedicated Domain.

Refund Guarantee.

Recurring Billing.

Commissions And GEO Structure.

When you open the link to your affiliate offer, be sure it has a hosted domain. Meaning, a hosted domain is more likely to still be around in years to come. When it is a domain within a domain, chances are the product might just be taken down and BAM, all your work is gone!

For example, you will notice the affiliate offer I am including in this very post by using the “pull quote block” with a “source” (affiliate) link. Click on that and pay attention to the affiliate offer URL. It is not a domain in a domain, it is a dedicated and hosted domain for that particular product.

Ensuring the product offers a money-back guarantee is important too, it is what we call a “safety net” in marketing. Giving your potential buyer the assurance that they can get their money back if it isn’t what they have been looking for.

Recurring billing is one of many ways to ensure a passive income on “autopilot”. It means that the “member” must pay each month, for which you receive a commission. This is why offering value and something your audience will actually use is so important.

Base your commission structure and product selection on GEO targeting as well. This is important to establish affordability, GEO location and timing are two of the most important parts of generating sales. The quality of your content is right at the top of the “important list”.

Generating affiliate sales by writing Medium stories

Unless you are writing a product review and then including the affiliate offer. You don’t talk much about the affiliate offer in the post as such. Allow me to use this post as an example. I am guiding you to generate sales with affiliate marketing by writing Medium stories.

That is what “this” is about, it is not about getting you to buy my affiliate offer. Yes, I mentioned checking it out with regards to the domain, but that really is to demonstrate to you the difference so you avoid products that might be “gone” next month. Not good for your reputation.

Have I generated sales with this strategy for writing stories on Medium and generating sales with affiliate marketing? Sure I have, with both Clickbank and Warrior Plus. But, it is not the tens and hundreds of thousands you might expect. It is much more realistic and honest.

affiliate marketing and medium writing to generate sales with warrior plus
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

This is also the exact same strategy I personally use with writing Medium stories for affiliate marketing sales to this day. Because it works, but there are rules. Therefore, I strongly advise you to read the Medium Rules carefully and understand them properly. That is your job.

Above you can see a (realistic expectation) screenshot with Warrior Plus sales. Now, as mentioned before, it is not in the thousands of dollars per month…yet. Or at the time of the screenshot. Around the same time as the Clickbank earnings screenshot below.

Hang on, I know. These are for March of 2022, Deon, you might ask. Yes, it was, but why is that? Well, I have mentioned this in several other Medium stories. This is because I had to start over on Medium. Just as my strategy started delivering results, BOOM! I had to start over on Medium!

Around April, I found my Medium profile suspended, being on Medium since 2017 previously. Figuring out ways to make money outside the partner program, and I did. But then made the stupid mistake of using the wrong auto-posting tool with Medium.

This is what got my account suspended. NOT my content marketing strategy, just to be clear. I am currently using this exact same strategy again because I know it works. Otherwise, my Medium stories would not be published with large Medium publications. So please rest assured.

100% My own doing and stupidity. So I carried on researching and exploring to start again on Medium around 6 months later in October 2022. Below you can see the previously mentioned screenshot for Clickbank earnings.

affiliate marketing and medium writing to generate sales with clickbank
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Both these accounts (Clickbank And Warrior Plus) are accounts I created for Medium promotions only. Because you can create multiple affiliate network accounts with multiple email addresses. But you can direct all payments to the same account. I use PayPal and Payoneer.

Now combined, just as the strategy started taking off. This was a combined earning of almost $400 for the month, $399.96 to be exact. In my opinion, a rather good start for a content marketing strategy that has just started getting some traction.

There were a few more sales before the suspension, but I don’t have any screenshots of those, unfortunately. This is what I show you, the real results, and the assurance that this content marketing strategy works with Medium writing and affiliate marketing.

Niche knowledge of affiliate marketing on Medium

We discussed the knowledge factor briefly in the beginning, and there is not much I can add. However, if you don’t have a “hobby” and you’re not sure where to start. Then choose a topic, or niche that you can relate to as turning into a passion.

Personally, I chose a niche about which I had very little knowledge. But luckily for me, nothing that time and hard work cannot remedy. It took me a little longer to succeed than most, but I just kept going until I did. Your job is to gather as much knowledge as possible.

Because the key with especially digital marketing and making money online niches. Is to come up with solutions to problems, answers to questions, and guides to complete tasks. Kind of like what we’re doing right here, right now. But we are going to get to that under the next subheading.

Actually, gathering more knowledge all the time allows you to climb the recognition lagger. Because any affiliate marketer is only as good as the problems they can solve for their readers. That creates curiosity and is vital for generating sales online.

Affiliate marketing on Medium is not about sales

But you’re promoting affiliate offers Deon? You might ask. How is it “not about the money”? Yes, I do. But the Medium story is not about selling the affiliate product. It is about showing you how I generate sales with Medium writing and affiliate marketing. That is the whole point!

I am focusing on offering a solution, so you can also make money online with Medium writing. What I mean by “it’s not about the money” is that your content must focus on solving problems and offering solutions. You are here reading this article why? Because you like to make money on Medium, right?

So, is that not what you were looking for? A way to make money on Medium with Medium stories and affiliate marketing. And is that not exactly what is in the post? See, your main goal is to solve a problem and offer a solution.

When your solution or content marketing strategy starts working for your reader. They will become more and more inclined to take a look at your affiliate offer too. Without you ever having to prompt them to do so, because it is all about the solutions you offer. Not how much money you can make.

My point is that your Medium story with affiliate offers must give the reader something they can work with. Regardless of whether they purchase from you or not. You must become a problem solver, not a salesman. The sales will gradually start and then grow from there.

In the event any of this might seem a little unclear, please allow me to refer back to this exact same post. Or most of my Medium stories (except the short stories and topics outside of making money online), never flood your posts with affiliate links. The entire strategy is right in front of you.

I include the “pull quote block” affiliate offer no more than twice in the article body. That is quite enough in my opinion. Besides, you’re going to need the writing space if you want to offer proper solutions. People don’t want to look at an affiliate offer after each paragraph.

Are you ready to find out how you can rank your video on the first page of Google and YouTube? Are you ready to get a ton of targeted visitors? Imagine millions of people going to Google and YouTube to search for your solution! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.