After 100 Articles, Just Dive In; The Water’s Great!

Today, I celebrate and give thanks.

Antonio Parente Jr


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This is my 100th article here on Medium. And, man, what a journey it has been.

Writing regularly has changed me. To say I feel I’m finally awake wouldn’t be a stretch. Seriously, I feel I’ve been kind of sleepwalking in life for four decades. You know, just following the script — study hard, get a good job, get married, have kids…

If you allow me an analogy, I like to say I was in the movie. Now, I’m watching the movie and writing about it.

Don’t get me wrong. The movie I was in was not a bad one, on the contrary. I have a great job, a loving family, and good friends. I’m grateful for what I have.

But life changes when you adopt an observer mindset, and it changes for the better.

You start noticing things you previously ignored. A reckless driver becomes the spark for a story on how attention is key to becoming good at any skill. Pointless discussions about performance indicators in your day job trigger the need to ponder about the importance of good conduct. It’s as if you had turned on a scan feature. You’re awake, you’re aware.

You sharpen your thinking. Have you ever had that feeling of being unable to translate your thoughts into words? Frustrating, isn’t it? Well, the good news is that writing can help you with that. Writing is like a gym for your brain. Suddenly, you’re lifting mental weights other people can only dream of.

Your appreciation for art increases tenfold. When you try to create something original and see how hard it is, you can’t help but start admiring a touching movie, a beautiful painting, or a refined prose. And what would be of life without art, huh?

So, why wait? The water’s great.

Jump in.



Antonio Parente Jr

Micro-retiring every day from 5 to 9. Contributing to a safer aviation from 9 to 5. Just a guy who left the bleachers to enter the arena.