Medium Audience Opinions Provide Direction

Why Your Opinion On Medium Matters To Us!

After One Year On Medium, We Have To Ask Your Opinion!

Deon Christie
Published in
7 min readOct 22, 2023


After One Year On Medium Your Opinion Matters To Us Very Much
Deon Christie (Author)

What you will learn from this Medium story.

Your opinion on Medium matters to us introduction.

Why your opinion about us on Medium is so important?

Your opinion with regards to our Medium growth.

The conclusion of your opinion matters to us on Medium.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Your opinion on Medium matters to our introduction.

The reason why your opinion on Medium matters to us. This is because we believe that any writer is only as good as their readers say that they are. Whether your opinion is good or bad, both matters to us on Medium. Good opinions are great, but the bad ones are necessary for improvement. Negative opinions are opportunities to learn and improve.

Your opinion matters to us on Medium because it helps one grow and learn. Therefore we will share our journey, being back on Medium just over one year since October 06, 2022. If you would be so kind as to share your honest opinion we will appreciate that very much. You are most welcome to also suggest content you would like to see more of.

There is also the fact that your opinions often spark creativity and jump-start the memory. Providing new ideas to write about, perhaps other people’s opinions shared might even provide you with a few ideas of your own. See how your opinion on Medium matters to us. Without you, our readers we would not even be here.

You are our most important asset on Medium, without you what is the point of writing on Medium? So apart from inviting your opinion about our work on Medium, we also want to thank you for your support through the last (almost) 13 months. Each and every one of you is equally important to us!

In our opinion, there are 8 major “advantages” of your reader’s opinions about you as a writer and entrepreneur. As listed below, the reasons why your opinion matters to us. But this is, however, in our own opinion. Do feel free to add suggestions as to why readers' opinions are so important on Medium.

Your Positive Opinion Ensures Growth.

Your Negative Opinion Inspires Determination To Improve.

Readers Opinions Build Trust.

Satisfied Readers Will Subconsciously Promote (Word Of Mouth).

Reader Opinions Determine Your Level Of Success.

Through Word Of Mouth One Builds Recognition.

Through Recognition And Trust One Generates Sales.

We believe that writers can only exist when we have readers. Without having readers on Medium, what’s the point? We cannot place enough exclamation on just how important your opinion on Medium is to us. We acknowledge the importance of your presence and would appreciate you sharing your opinion so we may improve.

We have done our utmost best to try and provide useful, mostly tutorial solutions to affiliate marketing and making money online “potholes”. This is with no exception to topics like writing, search engine optimization (SEO) and just general “money-making stuff”. Because your opinion about us on Medium matters to us.

Why your opinion about us on Medium is so important?

As mentioned a moment ago, in our opinion. Any writer, content designer, marketer (affiliate or otherwise), or online entrepreneur is only as good as their audiences say that they are. Your readers and audiences' opinion on Medium or otherwise builds trust and that is why it is so important to us.

But what is even more important is your honest opinion, please don’t “sugarcoat”. But that does not mean being rude, it merely means if you have advice to give so we can improve then let’s be kind. Your honest opinion is also a compass of sorts, pointing us in the right direction.

Our aim is to help as many people as we can, to succeed online. Which is often a lot easier said than done. Without your opinion, we would just be, well, “lost”, so to speak. Now we are not sure if the growth is average, acceptable, above average, or otherwise. But we will share our Medium growth next.

Your opinion with regards to our Medium growth.

With regards to our Medium growth and views, our best results were between February and March 2023. Currently, it has declined by around 50%. Or it might just be “stabilizing”. September and October views for 2023 are at around 2,600. Declined from the view count of 4,687 a couple of months ago. This is one of the reasons we decided to reach out.

After One Year On Medium Your Opinion Matters To Us Very Much With Medium Statistics
Deon Christie (Author)

Your opinion on Medium matters to us because we need to identify why there was such a steep decline. Is it our content? Perhaps the kind of advice we give, or the topics we cover? Only our readers can answer that by offering their honest opinions, and here we are. Back at why your opinion matters to us on Medium.

After One Year On Medium Your Opinion Matters To Us Very Much With Medium Audience Growth
Deon Christie (Author)

As for followers, we did a lot better than “subscribers”. But then it does take time to build a castle, right? As can be seen illustrated above, our audience has grown since October 2022. Again, we are not sure if this is average, acceptable, or above average. But we are sure the more experienced Medium writers will be able to shed some light on that.

We have also stumbled across a strategy to use GIF images and attract more attention to our Medium profile. But that we did only recently, so perhaps that might remedy our 50% drop in views. Or were there any algorithm changes we didn’t know about? Algorithms can also do that to you, going from page one to page none with no idea what happened!

After One Year On Medium Your Opinion Matters To Us Very Much About Our Medium Profile GIF Images
Deon Christie. (Author)

As can be seen illustrated above, our updated Medium profile cover image where we leverage the GIF image strategy. We have included the link to the strategy under the “Introduction” subheading of this article. It does seem to be creating a bit of curiosity which is the point of the strategy. Attracting attention through creating curiosity with GIF images.

The conclusion of your opinion matters to us on Medium.

Any writer, content creator, or online entrepreneur is only as good as their audiences say that they are. That is why your opinion on Medium matters to us. Without it, we will have no compass or guide to know which “content” direction is best. We realize and recognise the fact that our readers, followers, and subscribers are our best assets on Medium.

Perhaps with this, we start a “commenting wildfire”, hopefully so. Because the more opinions we receive, the better we can determine our direction forward. But other writers can also learn from our reader’s opinions. Maybe with this, we can all learn together. But more importantly, we can grow together. Because life is a journey, not a contest.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about the importance of your reader's opinions about you? Have you had to deal with rude competitors thus far? Do you struggle to gain readers, followers, and Medium subscribers?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Your Opinion On Medium Matters To Us!” story on Medium is concluded. And with that, you now know how important your reader’s opinions are.

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.