High Standards and Harsh Judgments

All Writers Are Writers

For real writers around the world — a little more grace towards newer writers

Holly Kellums
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2021


I will start this piece the way I usually end stories like it.

All writers are writers.

I usually include this sentence at the end of my lighthearted stories about writing and social media.

Many stories and concepts can be summed up with this statement and it seems to be a common thread among stories that give writing advice — the shaming of so-called, well, I don’t know what they call them… not-writers maybe?

Is there a word for writers who are not writers?

Oh, yes. Maybe it is up-and-coming writers.

Maybe, if I am a good enough writer, some of the real writers will come along and let me know what the correct term is for writers who are not writers.

Either way, we see an unnecessary number of stories all over the internet that claim to hold the claim to fame.

Besides the thousands of articles titled as such, many stories about writing tips are full of the same implication — not all writers are writers and if you want to be a real writer, do this.



Holly Kellums

Author * Influencer * Human Potential Advocate