Can We Anticipate The Launch Of Medium Partner Program In India In January 2024?

The Fitpreneur Network
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2023
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As a writer who has been writing for months consistently and speaking on behalf of my fellow Indian writers who have been writing on Medium for years, we believe it’s only fair that we are compensated for our efforts, just like writers from other regions.

We understand that Medium has been working hard to include Indian writers in the Partner Program, and we acknowledge that there might be challenges related to Indian government policies.

We appreciate the ongoing efforts to resolve these issues.

But, all I want to say is that please don’t let us down again

We all remember the anticipation surrounding the grand launch of the Medium Partner Program (MPP) in India, Brazil, and Thailand on August 1st. Well, we had to hold our excitement a little longer because it got postponed by 2 months. With hopeful hearts, we marked our calendars for October.

And then on October 24, it was told by Buster Benson that the MPP launch in India has been delayed further.

This is what was told on October 24 —

“ As of now, we estimate that the additional country support will launch in early 2024 with a more robust payout system to handle all the nuances of different countries and currencies. However, we’ve learned our lesson about promising dates and we don’t want to make any firm promises here other than that we are planning it and working on it. ”

You can check the screenshot below —

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Although Medium hasn’t provided a specific launch date for the Medium Partner Program (MPP) in India in 2024, they mentioned it’s expected to happen in early 2024. While no exact date has been confirmed, I remain hopeful and look forward to the possibility of the MPP launching in India in January 2024.

In my view, all Medium writers deserve to be compensated for their efforts, and the long-pending launch of MPP in India emphasizes the need for timely implementation.



The Fitpreneur Network

Writing about Entrepreneurship, Solopreneurship and Freelancing while empowering individuals to reach their aspirations.