Can You Accept Rejection?

My articles have been rejected four times by the same publication

Merilyne C. Milton


Medium is an alien to me when I heard about it for the first time. I did not know what is Medium all about until I watched Shelby Church’s video on her YouTube channel. So, I searched for it on Google engine, but I did not become a paying member straight away. Thinking that I don’t have any clue on what to write or to be precise — I am uncertain if I can write an article even though I had experience in analyzing research articles (RAs) in the findings of introduction and rhetorical features between two different fields when I was doing my halfway postgrad studies back in 2012 — but I am pretty sure, this is another different genre. All right, let’s jump into the main topic.

In this article, I will share with you my one-and-a-half-month journey as a newcomer to this writing platform. You might not agree with me on some part but hey, even identical twins not always have the same taste and interests, right? All these are based on my personal experience since Day One I contributed my writing on this platform. So, no offense.

(1) Have my article(s) been rejected before?

One answer to this — a bold YES!
The first article that I submitted to a publication was about my travel story. I submitted…



Merilyne C. Milton

A lady from Borneo. A dreamer. A founder of Anything Asia.