Click “Publish” sooner!
Why you should open the closet door even if it feels like there might be a monster inside.

Career Escape Artist
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2023

You’re sitting there, your fingers hovering over your laptop, your eyes locked on that intimidating “Publish” button. I know the feeling. As a writer, that button can feel like a threshold, a never-look-back barrier, or even a fight-or-flight adrenaline rush. But let me tell you something — it’s also the key to discovering a world of opportunities. I’m here to give you a little nudge, to share the story of how I braved that leap from private scribbler to published freelance writer, and why you should dare to click “Publish” sooner than you think.

Finding the Write Direction

I’ve always liked writing. But there’s a stark difference between pouring your heart out in a private journal and showcasing your thoughts and ideas for others to critique and appreciate. The leap from casual journaling to professional writing felt massive.

A few years ago, I started exploring writing by sending internal summaries about technologies to my team (in software product development). I originally thought the challenge would be what to write, but I soon got addicted to the challenge of how to write.

It was about conveying complex ideas simply, engaging readers, and continually learning and adapting.

The moment I acknowledged this, it became a more thrilling cause than my “real” work. This idea of helping others by honing my writing craft was an exciting mission for me. I let myself believe that writing could be my profession.

My First Gig: A Leap of Faith

But how? My very first attempt at freelance writing — a blog post on trends in containerized software development for a tech blog — was staring back at me from my screen. With no professional writing experience under my belt, it felt like a monumental task. The stakes were high, and I was stepping into the unknown.

That post had an email submission, but it’s the same panic-inducing cliff-dive as publishing here on Medium. I vividly remember staring at the “Send” button as the minutes ticked by. I wasn’t ready yet. Was I? …?

The fear was palpable. It felt like I was about to share a part of myself with the world and the thought of rejection was daunting. I needed some reassurance, someone to tell me that I wasn’t about to face-plant into a wall of rejection. So, I did what any reasonable person would do — I asked someone who supported me to tell me it wasn’t garbage, my brother. Mind you, my brother knew zero info about the topic, but I needed that nod, that thumbs-up that said, “Go for it.”

It’s ok to call in support to virtually “hold your hand” for that bold moment when you officially release a post into the world.

The moment of hitting “Publish” or “Send” is something every new writer can relate to. Your work, your passion, your thoughts are about to be open for scrutiny, and it’s nerve-wracking. But despite the fear, I did it. I sent the email. And with that, my words were out there, ready to be judged.

The Unexpected Outcome

The aftermath was surprising. I half-expected a polite rejection email, a kind “thanks, but no thanks.” Instead, what I got was an enthusiastic thumbs-up. They loved it! They wanted more, asking me to turn my single post into a multi-part series.

That victory, as little as it may seem, was monumental. It served as a reminder that if you love what you do and are willing to put yourself out there, opportunities won’t just knock — they’ll kick down the door. But they won’t even know to ask you for more if they don’t see your work in the first place.

Your Turn to Click “Publish”

Now, here I am, years into my freelance writing journey, sharing my story with you. And if there’s one thing I want you to take from my experience, it’s this: don’t let fear hold you back.

If you’ve got a passion for writing, there’s a place for you in this vast, exciting industry.

You don’t have to be an expert right off the bat. It’s a journey, and every journey starts with a single step.

So, if you’re sitting on a piece that’s just itching to be published, do it. Go ahead, hover over that “Publish” button, and click it. You might be surprised at what comes next. And even if the first response isn’t what you hoped for, don’t be disheartened. Keep going, keep writing, and keep pushing that “Publish” button.

Remember, every great writer started somewhere. You’ve got to put yourself out there. The world needs your unique voice, and your distinct perspective. So, go ahead, and take that leap of faith. Who knows? It could be the first step towards a career you love.

If you need moral support for clicking “Send” or “Publish”, you’ve got it from me. Right here: It’s going to be great. You should do it now.

P.S. Feel free to comment on this post if you actually want me to take a look at something specific. Happy to help get your words out there!



Career Escape Artist
Writer for

The ultimate side hustle guru and exit strategy expert. Sharing strategies to build profitable secondary income streams.