Content Marketing Strategies And Failure!

Failure is part of the process with content marketing strategies!

Deon Christie


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failure with content marketing strategies on medium is part of the process
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What you will learn from this article

The truth about content marketing strategies.

Facing content marketing strategies and failure.

How long does it take to succeed online?

Making money without content marketing strategies.

The truth about content marketing strategies

As much as this is less preferred to be heard. The only “guarantee” you have with making money online, is that you will fail. More than once, because there is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to content marketing strategies.

What works for one person, might not necessarily work for the next. I write primarily about content marketing strategies. Those that work for me, whether they will work for you remains to be seen.

That is also what you’re often not told, and for good reason. Because over 95% of people that try to make money online end up failing. The ones that succeed, are merely the ones that refuse to give up.

Content marketing strategy, after content marketing strategy they just keep going relentlessly! Failure after failure, and loss after loss. Because success with content marketing strategies is blood, pain, sweat, tears, desperation, and disappointment.

With a bit of success on the side, a rather uncomfortable thought, but it doesn’t change the fact. I can provide you with content marketing strategies until my keyboard explodes, how you implement them is entirely up to you.

Succeeding with content marketing strategies means you have to keep going until you succeed. Not until you grow tired of trying. The “secret” however is to FOCUS. And keep visualizing your dream and end game.

F — Follow.

O — One

C — Course.

U — Until.

S — Successful.

Follow one course until successful. I don’t remember exactly where I “picked this up” along my journey. But it has been a guide ever since, and an inspiration too. Just keep going no matter what, and one day, your “one day” will be “today”!

Facing Content marketing strategies failure

Failing with content marketing strategies is such a reality because it is a search to find what works for you. We cannot all be social media superstars; we cannot all be renowned bloggers and writers.

We cannot all be the next YouTube sensation, and we cannot all be the next TikTok rockstars. Because we all have different interests and levels of knowledge. Therefore, different content marketing strategies testing and failure are imminent, not maybe.

Facing those failures, in a sentence, “Success means going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm”. I’m also not sure who said that, but it makes a lot of sense to me. And it cannot be more “spot-on”.

When you fail, it means you’re one step closer to success. Failing again, and again, and again, means you are 3 steps closer to success with content marketing strategies. That’s just how it works.

You cannot succeed more than you fail, nothing in life works like that. You are going to fail way more than you succeed. The question is. How far are you prepared to go, and how badly do you want to succeed?

I have mentioned this several times in other Medium stories, and I say it again to give you an idea. I “failed” for nearly a decade, all the while building up an arsenal of knowledge. Because that’s just how it works.

The effectiveness of any content marketing strategy often depends on your level of knowledge. When testing content marketing strategies, focus on how much you can learn, not how much you can earn.

In this game (making money online), knowledge and time are the only ways that you will be able to outwrite, outwork, and outperform your competitors. Trust the process, and just keep going.

How long does it take to succeed online?

If I have to boil that down to a phrase or sentence, “It will take as long as is necessary!”. Because you cannot place a time frame on success. Some people are successful after a few months, and some after a few years. And others (like me), after a decade or so.

It will take as long as is needed for you to understand and execute content marketing strategies. Because that is the heartbeat of buyer traffic. Different content marketing strategies, with different objectives.

Gaining Followers.

Getting Subscribers.

Generating Sales.

Driving Targeted Traffic.

Increasing Responses.

Building Responsive Audiences.

And the list goes on. There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of different content marketing strategies. The “key” is to find the ones that work for you. Then combine them all to form part of a much “larger picture”.

Before you can succeed with any content marketing strategies, you have to put them in place and then grow with them. A content marketing strategy is kind of like planting a fruit tree.

You cannot plant a seed, or seedling today and expect to harvest fruit the next day. With content marketing strategies it is no different. It will take as long as is needed for your “fruit tree” to bear fruit. The process requires growth, which requires time.

Making money without content marketing strategies

In my opinion, that is not even possible. I doubt you can make any money online without the proper content marketing strategies in place. I know why I kept failing. Because I didn’t have much direction and planning in place.

I also didn’t have many content marketing strategies in place. Well, I did, but I didn’t give them enough time to grow before moving on to the next. We were all beginners once, and I think most of us make the exact same mistakes.

Not having the proper content marketing strategies in place can be devastating and discouraging. But having the right ones in place, and nurturing them into bearing fruit is a winning formula.

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.