Creative Exercise #4 — Emotional Personification

I have tried to depict an emotion by giving it a character and a form. Did you guess it before reading until the end of the story?

🔘 Paulius Juodis
2 min readJul 29, 2023


Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

As I opened my eyes, I was standing in a pitch-darkness, cold and damp void. As far as I would look there was nothing but silence. Then, as though from nowhere, two amber-gold eyes appeared. They were piercing me from skin to bone. I froze and looked into them. The more I looked, the more I could decipher their host’s silhouette. It was a big back black cat with malicious intent.

As I stood paralyzed, the giant feline began approaching me. Paws landing gently, back erect, eyes inquisitively watching its prey. As it got closer I could see its black shining fur, the sharp elegant claws, and the moon-white teeth. I have never seen such a beautiful but fierce creature.

As the giant cat brushed through my side, I could feel its gentle fur and an almost accidental touch of its tail on my forehead. It didn’t want to kill me, it just wanted to amuse itself, to play for a bit. Most probably it is lonely to live in this darkness devoid of any other forms of life.

I caught its interest, but just for a little while. After a few seconds, the silhouette again smoothly melded with the primordial darkness from which it came. Its eyes shut and I was again alone in the emptiness of space. The coldness and dampness had gone with it, and I was left calm and serene. Opening my eyes from the dream I knew that I has been touched by an ancient yet misunderstood aspect of life. I had been touched by fear.

Thanks for reading!

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🔘 Paulius Juodis

English & Lithuanian Tutor 🗣️ Martial Arts Enthusiast 🥋 'The Ink Well' Podcast Host 🎧