Creative Writing Through Team Work Can Make Magic

Creative writing can bring positive results through teamwork

Dr. Preeti Singh
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
4 min readDec 26, 2022


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Have you tried to collaborate with other writers?

I am sure you will ask how can we do this on Medium.

Creativity is the answer.

Writing is therapeutic people say.

What do you feel?

I do feel it is therapeutic surely but it has much more value than that. If you use your writing powers with creativity there are many opportunities for you.

Teamwork can bring Creativity in writing and create magic if it is cohesive through a consistent and good group of like-minded people

I feel that collaborations can bring creativity to the highest order for a writer.

When you write alone, you write for yourself but when you write in a team then you are collaborating and giving your ideas and contributing towards others' work as well.

You may ask what are the advantages of teamwork?

💎When your teammates write an article they get inspired by other writers and their own…



Dr. Preeti Singh
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.