Crime Novelist Self-Published His Books With Huge Success!

The writing community gave him the confidence to keep trying

Susie Kearley


Dave Sivers (image © Dave Sivers, used with permission)

When I first joined my local writers’ group, among the first people I met was crime author, Dave Sivers, who has self-published a range of ebooks for Kindle and recently found his work among the top selling books in his genre.

At that time, he’d published Scars Beneath the Soul, a detective story of murder and mayhem in the Chiltern Hills, Buckinghamshire. I asked Dave to tell me about his writing journey. This is what he said…

“I seem to have been a ‘writer’ for about as long as I have known how to read and write; it has been a constant for me through all the changes that life throws at you. In a sense, either my writing has been like a soundtrack to my life, or my life has been like a soundtrack to my writing — I’m never 100% sure which.

“My first love was fiction. I started trying to write ‘proper’ novels in my twenties, and produced something half-decent in my thirties, which received encouraging feedback from agents and publishers — but no publication deal.

“Over the next ten years, I found I had a tougher outer shell than I’d realised. Writers have to learn that rejection is an occupational hazard — you either learn from it and move on…



Susie Kearley

Freelance writer UK. Outrageous opinions. Occasionally offends by accident. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, copyright, environment.