Day 45: Sit and be one with stillness

David Hip
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2024


Welcome to 45/365 short, daily meditations for a more mindful, relaxed, and connected life.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

We always return to the basics and begin again. No matter how far we have travelled spiritually. It starts and end with stillness. We turning away from distractions, notifications, and news. We turn toward our inside to find our ground of being.

1. What To Do:

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Sit down, straight yet relaxed. Let your knees touch ground, while being as comfortable as possible. Chin down, spine straight. Keep your eyes open and relaxed.

Focus on the natural breaths you take. Don’t restrict, don’t expand.

Find oneness in your breath. Don’t follow your thoughts, your movements, your pains. Stay here, stay quiet.

Let the timer wake you up once more to a conscious life.

2. Why to do it:

Stillness is the antidote to distractedness. It melts business, worries, anxiety, and even fears in a second.

It’s our true resting ground. One where we can lose ourselves in without disappearing.

We can spend our whole life always moving on, aiming higher, overcoming challenges, and looking for the success, that makes us whole. We can spend our whole life like that and never experience stillness.

As a result we keep looking for more. But the moment we turn around, committed to looking inside, we find peace. There is no alternative in the end. It’s what we are on the other side of all business.

This stillness is never far away. One glimpse and it never leaves you anymore.

3. Closing

This series provides unique, interesting exercises for a more mindful life. One you can more fully enjoy and find purpose in. If you liked this exercise, you’ll love my newsletter, where I share insights into the power of connection every day:

Thank you for your efforts and hopefully until tomorrow’s 46th meditation.



David Hip

Meditation and mindfulness helped me live at ease and follow my passions fully. It helped me to find purpose here and now. My goal is to share what I learned