Dear New Writers: This Is Why I Won’t Follow You Back

3 basic tips on getting to 100 followers

Doran Lamb


women reaching back with open hand asking you to follow her
Photo by BARBARA RIBEIRO from Pexels

I was at the dawn of 2021 where you are now. I might now have a couple of thousand followers and a handful of mildly readable articles out there, but I was like you in February this year, nervously posting my first article and waiting for someone, anyone to read it and clap.

That first person to show some love was Christopher Robin, who I will be forever grateful to for not just letting that first article float into the Medium ether and die.

Christopher Robin by the way, in case you’re interested and even if you're not, writes much better than I do, but because he's a committed parent, writes much less. Either way, he's worth reading and following if you want to read quality, not quantity. And he might even follow you back. Because he’s that kind of nice guy.

I on the other hand am not. I know you want to get to that magic 100 followers mark to get paid and I sympathize, but not every writer will follow back for the sake of it. Or perhaps they will and I’m just not that nice a person. Oh well.

Either way, here are the 3 simple reasons why I’m not following you back:

#1 You don’t have any bio blurb under your name



Doran Lamb

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.