Do This Small Thing Every Time to Become a Little More Successful On Medium

It takes less than 5 SECONDS, every single time! 🤯

Vritant Kumar


A notebook. A laptop. A phone.
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I’ve written quite a few articles on and around Medium, as I’ve discovered it. But what I’m going to share with you today is a small and simple habit that will go a long way in defining your success here on Medium. It’s mostly overlooked and not discussed enough times.

I've pinned a list of some informative articles I've written around "writing" and "Medium". You can check it out at the end of this article.

What I’m talking about are tags. Yes, tags. Medium’s move to a so-called relational Medium has bought with it many changes to the platform. Not to mention there are speculations around its future, but for now, we can easily notice:
addition of blogrolls and increased importance of tags

Those five boxed words you type before finally publishing/submitting your story are very critical. And picking the right ones is now nothing short of a skill.

A screenshot of my submission page.
What to fill next… please select with care. Screenshot by VRITANT.

I see the talk going about this a little less but its significance… well… might be even more than your story’s title.

So now picking the right tags is equally important, if not more, than crafting a perfect title. But how to do so.

Do This Small Thing. Every day. Every time.

So it’s quite logical that if you have to taste success on any platform, you have got to know the ins and outs of that platform.
What makes for an excellent piece of content? What kind of content does the algorithm reward the most? What tips and tactics work here?
And Medium is no different.

With Medium, you can get valuable insights by reading a lot of articles, and this is unknown to none. But the frequently overlooked part is paying heed to and observing and studying the tags the pros of Medium use in their article.

We prefer to skim and who bothers to read the tags that appear at the end of the story, huh? But knowledge of the right tags can give you a superpower and an edge over those who don’t bother to put in the research required. Well, sometimes you can even get an unfair advantage. Who knows? After all, Medium is transforming.

I also didn’t read the tags that appear at the end of stories but now that I have started to do so, I think I have a better grip over tags and more options to use in my own articles. This literally has happened to me.

So put your effort into learning more about tags. Don’t compromise on quality and avoid clickbaity titles. Medium still rewards quality.

Doing this will hardly take 5 seconds per story you read but subconsciously, you’ll have a huge data of which tags generally perform better than the others. And the snowball effect of this is going to be just mind-boggling. Even better, you can write down the ones you think fall in your niche and you might use them in your article.

Remember, it all starts small and in the beginning seems insignificant but the compounding of all those actions work wonders.




Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com