Publishing | Self-publishing

Do You Need a Large Print Version of Your Book?

It could help you reach a wider audience

Jacquelyn Lynn
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2024


Image created by Jacquelyn Lynn using MockupShots

For people who are visually impaired but still prefer to read rather than listen to audiobooks, large-print books are a great option. You may want to consider a large print version of your book if your audience includes:

  • Low-vision readers
  • Middle-aged and senior readers who are developing presbyopia
  • Students of all ages who spend a lot of time reading
  • People who spend a lot of time in front of computers
  • People with physical dexterity problems, learning disabilities, brain injuries, or cognitive impairment

More than two billion people around the world have some type of vision impairment, which means the audience for large print books is significant. Top-selling large print categories include fiction, religion, business, health, and self-help.

Large print is not just a publishing term for using a bigger font size. A large print book is going to be designed differently than your regular print edition.

To set up a large print book, you should:

  • Use a font size of at least 14…



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at